
June 1978
Map 2

Braxton Note
Note from back cover of 1978 Urban Renewal Plan. This plan copy was in the papers of Lakelander and PAC member, Mary Braxton

PAC Newsletter
Newsletter of the Lakeland Project Area Committee gives notice of city council meeting with proposal for Earl Weygandt to keep his property.

Recreational Areas in City
Project Area Committee newsletter containing list of recreational facilities in the city along with map showing their locations

PAC Newsletter
Newsletter of the Lakeland Project Area Committee with community concerns

PAC Newsletter
Newsletter of Project Area Committee Community concerns including Lakeland Elementary School

PAC Newsletter
Newsletter of Project Area Committee Giving notice about tree planting and sodding

PAC Newsletter
Newsletter of Project Area Committee Subject for next meeting and community concerns.

PAC Newsletter
Newsletter of Project Area Committee issues include closing of Lakeland Special Center and fate of building, pool

PAC Newsletter
Newsletter of Project Area Committee notice of a special meeting by city council on the urban renewal project

PAC Newsletter
Special Notice of city council work session with engineering alternatives for development of Lakeland west/

PAC Newsletter
Newsletter of Project Area Committee

At Time of Urban Renewal
Map of the Lakeland community just prior to implementation of the urban renewal program. The map also shows plots to be re-developed.
Residents, developers clash over Lakeland project
Clipping from the collection of Mary Sellers.From a series of Diamondback articles on urban renewal.
Removal’ displaces local family
Clipping from the collection of Mary Sellers. From a series of Diamondback articles on urban renewal.
Urban ‘removal’ displaces family
Clipping from the collection of Mary Sellers. From a series of Diamondback articles on urban renewal.
Lakeland residents angered by renewal plan
Clipping from the collection of Mary Sellers. part one of clipping
Lakeland residents angered by renewal plan
2nd half of clipping. Clipping from the collection of Mary Sellers. From a series of Diamondback articles on urban renewal.
Clipping from the collection of Mary Sellers.
Community faces future
Clipping from the collection of Mary Sellers. From a series of Diamondback articles on urban renewal.
Renewal rattles Lakeland heritage
Clipping from the collection of Mary Sellers. From a series of Diamondback articles on urban renewal.

Railroad Tracks at Lakeland
Railroad tracks at Lakeland looking south. In 1835, the Washington Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad opened and bisected the area that would become Lakeland, becoming an important part of the landscape. By the early 1900s, the railroad was a major source of communication, transportation, and employment for the residents of the area, including Lakelanders.

Letter from Earl Weygandt
Discussion of his case and request to sell back property for $120, 000.

No trespassing sign
Put up after homes purchased by Urban Renewal Authority in eastern section of Lakeland

Home of Ross family
After purchase by Urban Renewal Authority

At play on a Lakeland street

Minutes, Regular Meeting of the College Park Mayor and Council June 12, 1979
Reconsideration of sale of Weygandt property

Swearing In
College Park Mayor and Council

Minutes, Regular Meeting of the College Park Mayor and Council, February 27, 1979
with amendments to minutes for February 6, 13 and 20.

Embry AME Church Youth Choir
The Embry Youth Choir was organized in 1979 under the guidance of the pastor, Rev. Dessie L. Carter. Pictured are, from left to right, Talaya Boardley, Kimberly Gillens, Sharon Seldon, Linda Kim Lockerman, Monique Thomas, adviser Jean Gray Matthews, Rev. Carter, Lisa Gray, Kamille Gillens, Karon Seldon, Dean Matthews, and Paul Thomas. Members not shown are Lisa Carter, Barrett Matthews, Denise Penn, Nicole Thomas, and Pamela Tolson. (Courtesy of Embry A.M.E. Church.)

Play Ball
Children playing ball in a Lakeland street

Letter from Morris Topf to Carl Harrison Lehmann, attached to a memo from Topf to Edwin Finder, enclosing an original letter from Lehmann to Topf
duplicate scan of (object) item-5v0wgV

Letter from Morris Topf to Carl Harrison Lehmann, attached to a memo from Topf to Edwin Finder, enclosing an original letter from Lehmann to Topf
Concerns the representation of Weygandts and review of facts

Letter to Earl Weygandt from Lynne Over, Secretary City of College Park
"Mayor and Council will hear you on Tuesday, February 6, 1978..."

Embry AME Church Youth Choir
The Embry Youth Choir was organized in 1979 under the guidance of the pastor, Rev. Dessie L. Carter. Pictured are, from left to right, Talaya Boardley, Kimberly Gillens, Sharon Seldon, Linda Kim Lockerman, Monique Thomas, adviser Jean Gray Matthews, Reverend Carter, Lisa Gray, Kamille Gillens, Karon Seldon, Dean Matthews, and Paul Thomas. Members not shown are Lisa Carter, Barrett Matthews, Denise Penn, Nicole Thomas, and Pamela Tolson.

Marked for Demolition
Demolition Contract CPURR- 11 4802 Lakeland Rd 4812 Lakeland Rd

Junior Choir
Embry AME Church

Memorandum to Leon Shore. from Jack Callahan with attachments
Transmitting contract for purchase of property formally owned by them and transfer of 54th Avenue right-of-way. Also attached is contract approved by City

Letter to Earl Weygandt from Lynne Over
Mayor and Council will hear you on February 8, 1979

Bundle of documents concerning Weygandt Contract for sale of Weygandt property with urban renewal controls and conditions for use
Stapled document containing a page from the College Park Council Meeting Minutes June 12, 1979; a Memo from Jack Callahan to Leon Shore; and Weygandt Contract for sale of Weygandt property with urban renewal controls and conditions for use.

Letter to W. Earl Weygandt to Patrick Grady
transmitting appraisals

Letter from Morris Topf (duplicate of item-01089 and item-00971)
Duplicate of sections of (object) item-5v0wgV and item-qSyk3I