Timothy Blichard
School Photo
School Photo
From Lakeland Civic Association to Mayor Kushner
School photograph
Memorandum to Donald Byrd from Jack Callahan, containing/referencing an enclosed letter to Morris Topf, concerning the use of properties owned by Weygandt.
Class of 1950
Lisa Hollomand in performance
Embry AME Church
Cover page of the Journal. Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Souvenir Journal, a yearbook from the 35th Class Reunion (June 14-15, 1985) at First Baptist Church in College Park, Md and the Ramada Inn in Lanham, Md. See Description for any details on this particular page. Note from donor Arthur Dock: "Edgar Smith put this together for us. It has a few letters and a set of senior superlatives and the yearbook photos of each student. The next item is the program for the 35th Class Reunion. Then there are a series of photographs of one particular party--the reunion. 14 photos. Also an inventory list for the 3 items.
Mayor Alvin Kushner and Councilman Dervey Lomax at city hall
Airport and surrounding area including University of Maryland Campus
Letter to Don Byrd to Max Bowen RE: 54th Avenue, College Park
Weygandt property in Lakeland 11 June 86
Nine Wonders Social Club event
new barricade instillation with attachment of letter from Morris Topf to owner and tenants of Weygandt property on Detroit Avenue
With the leadership of their coaches, Ambrose Green and Spenser Briscoe Sr., the Lakeland Stars baseball team won their league championship in 1986. This was one of the last years the community fielded a team. Team members are, left to right (first row) George Johnson, Eugene Briscoe, Spenser Briscoe Jr., and Louis Briscoe; (second row) Guy Weems, Abby Pennell, Francis Smith, Hubert Nickerson, George Tyrone Mondel, Warren Hill, George Smith, Sherman Campbell, and Herbert Hill.
Removing dirt and road barriers and reinstalling barrier at Detroit Avenue 54th Avenue
James Adams and Elizabeth Hicks Campbell Adams at event sponsored by the Nine Wonders Social Club
Complaint about dirt stockpiled on 54th Avenue at end of public right of way and Weygandt closing his connecting private road.
Imjin Scout Insignia awarded to Harry Braxton Jr
Dervey Lomax, Anna Owens and Alvin Kushner
At Lakeland Park
Dervey Lomax and Alvin Kushner present an employee award to A. Cager
Lakeland Day
Images from swearing in of Mayor Owens and Council December 8, 1987 and from presentation honoring Jack Callahan in January 1980
Seen on stage are Dervery Lomax standing and Jack Callahan
Letter to Elwood Gross advising him of award to be given by the University of Maryland for his exceptional service
Left to right Maxine Gross, Joseph Page and Anna Owens
University of Maryland October 6, 1988
Two generations of his family preceded Elwood H. Gross as an employee at the University of Maryland. In earlier years, opportunities open to African Americans were limited. With the removal of racial barriers and his hard work, Gross rose from being an automobile mechanic's apprentice to the position of associate director of the Physical Plant. In 1988, Gross (second from left) was one of several recipients of the Associate Staff Award.
Request to name the media center at Paint Branch School in honor of John C. Johnson
Collection of park images. The area was once the eastern area of the Lakeland community
Incoming and Outgoing College Park City Council members
left to right Dervey Lomax and Jim Herl at Lakeland Park
Maxine Gross replaced Dervey Lomax as district representative on College Park City Council during this ceremony in 1989
In honor of Lakeland's centennial
In honor of Lakeland's centennial year. The event was organized by Lakeland Civic Association
Mayor Anna Owens makes presentation to Dervey Lomax at College Park City Hall
Group from First Baptist Church of College Park preparing for parade in celebration of Lakeland's 100th year
Looking from the Pitts home next door to the Campbell home on Pierce Avenue
Lakeland Day Dinner Dance Left is Spencer Briscoe
In honor of 50th Wedding Anniversary of James and Mary Walls Day Weems
Mayor Anna Owens with City Council Maxine Gross is in the first row second from left
Barbara Brown Seldon is among a list of educators who were raised in Lakeland. She taught for 30 years at the District of Columbia's Harrison Elementary School. She is pictured with her fourth grade class in 1990.
Left to right are Pearl Lee Campbell Edwards, James Edwards III, George Randall and unknown
University of Maryland student tutor with Lakeland elementary student. There is a long history of University of Maryland student volunteer tutoring programs partnering young Lakelanders. In the 1990s and 2000s one of those programs was the Lakeland Stars out of Paint Branch Elementary School. Pictured are a pair of program participants.
Lakeland Parade sponsored by Lakeland Civic Association in honor of Lakeland's centennial