Anderson and Bernice Walls
In the kitchen of their home on Navahoe Street
In the kitchen of their home on Navahoe Street
Mrs. Walls is in her uniform as an usher at Embry AME Church
2nd form left is Bernice Lancaster Lawson the far right is daughter Catherine Walls Callahan to the left are Catherine and June Lawson
Awarded to Harry Braxton, Jr
Ethel and Delarce Dory at Elk's event
Standing left to right are Arthur Brooks, Benjamin Briscoe, unknown, Delarce Dory, Seated are Rev. Mosley, Chesley Mack
Lakelanders are among this group of lodge members Anderson Walls is back row third form left, Charles Carroll is seventh from the left and Delarce Dory is seated on the far left
Club left to right stand Audrey Smith, Bettye Greene, Shirley Anderson, Gloria Battle, and Naomi Carter and Naomi Carter and Janet Gillens.
Granger Browning guest speaker
During Birthday Party for father
90th Birthday Party for Delarce Dory at his home on Navahoe St.
90th Birthday Party for Delarce Dory at his home on Navahoe St.
90th Birthday Party for Delarce Dory at his home on Navahoe St.
At Embry AE Church
Ethel Dory
Washington Evening Star Real Estate Ad Sale of seven-room home with farm planted in trees located near Lakeland Aquarium selling at $1,700 with terms available contact Pleasant Brown, Berwyn
Research Document by Eli Pousson
Image of store at location on Navahoe Street
Leonard Smith Lakeland High School
Mother of the Church, First Baptist Church of College Park
Mother of the Church, First Baptist Church of College Park
Mother of the Church, First Baptist Church of College Park
Mother of the Church, First Baptist Church of College Park
Mother of the Church, First Baptist Church of College Park
Mother of the Church, First Baptist Church of College Park
Mother of the Church, Embry AME Church
Gives City's review of urban renewal project history. This was the start of major urban renewal project redevelopment. April 7, 1981
Back: Christening of Derrick Smith, at an Episcopal Church in downtown DC, with Godfather (Donor's first cousin & fellow Lakelander) Raynard Johnson and Godmother, and donor's wife Virginia C. Smith.
Second-page front: Derrick Smith in backyard of donor's mother's house in northeast DC. They could take streetcar to Lakeland from DC to visit family in those days.
Back: More Derrick Smith pictures.
Third: More Derrick Smith pictures. They moved to Forestville District Heights in PG county after leaving DC
Fourth: More Derrick Smith pictures after the move to Forestville District Heights in PG county after leaving DC. Derrick had a toy poodle he loved, named Presley.
Fifth page has Derrick with donor's sister Vanessa Helen Smith and his mother Irene Helen Smith.
Found at Tabbs home on Navahoe Street Original is in collection
Found at Tabbs home on Navahoe Street Original is in collection
Perhaps Janie Tabbs
Evaluation for Screening Scholarship Applicants. Requests information on test scores, community involvement. Mr. Dock says many students were most involved in local churches (many from First Baptist Church in Glenarden). First Baptist Church of Glenarden was heavily involved in student programming. After 1950, the County reorganized the curriculum to stress business and vocational skills (shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, brick laying, carpeting).
John Calvary Johnson came to Lakeland with his wife, Sarah Butler Johnson, and his mother around 1890. They along with the Brooks family were the earliest African-American residents to live on the west side of the railroad tracks in Lakeland. Johnson was a prime mover in the establishment of the First Baptist Church and the first school in the community. All five of his children were born in Lakeland. His eldest child, Mary, known as “Mamie,” was born in 1892 and remained in the community until her death in 1976. (Courtesy of Roy Few.)