Assorted Photos from Wildwood
Duplicate of 02333
Duplicate of 02333
Tabbs Home on Navahoe Street
Section D: Project Proposals. Statement of Special Conditions. Procedure for changes in approved proposals.
Photo of Airforce Unit Class on Aircraft Jet maintenence on an F-101 airplane in Amarillo, Texas, circa 1964. Gray served as an airforce mechanic for jets. This moment represented a graduation to the next level; afterward, members were sent to different bases around the country. Gray was assigned to a military base in Myrtle Beach in South Carolina between 1964-1965. Although the training group contains mixed-races, several members were from the northeast (mainly New Jersey) and "got along pretty well because for the most part others had attended a mixed-race school." Photo of training group names. A buddy jokes that "anything is better than Amarillo" is because the group was there in the middle of winter and surrounded by snow. Myron Gray's nickname was "Pop", given to him in Lakeland (by Pamela Boardley). The Gray family contains 13 children. Myron is the middle child, with 4 older sisters and 2 older brothers and 4 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers.
Lola Giles holding Violetta Sharps on front porch of Sharps home, Block 34, Lot 6, 1949
Student athletes competing for Lakeland.
At First Baptist Church of College Park
Dervey Lomax, Karen Hampton, Anna and Dermot Owens
The front of the card - has a photo of Clarice. Her name is in bright yellow at the bottom, and 'Lakeland Heritage' is above her portrait., The back of the card states 'Lakeland Heritage' and Clarice's full name, as well as her track record. Each slash denotes a new line. "TRACK / Lakeland High School / 100 Yard Dash / 440 Relay / 1944-1950 / Coach Zelma Cole / Took part in Morgan State Field Day"
From Prince Georges County Teacher's Association to Mary Day of Lakeland Senior High School for third place performance in the Hop, Skip and Jump
school picture
Talaya Boardley and Kamille Gillens outside the home of grandparents Thomas and Agnes Randall
During Lakeland Heritage Weekend at College Park Community Center
Awarded to Carl Cager Figure with laurel wreath Amateur Athletic Union of the United States MDCCCLXXXVII Mile Relay 54 silver award included a pin
Continuing with photos of the students as they were in 1985 with a short bio.
Newspaper clippings about Lomax's becoming elected mayor. Additional clippings about urban renewal, and Parkdale wins.
- Title page of the brochure for Lakeland Heritage, September 2018. The cover shows the Lakeland Majorettes marching in a parade. - First and second interior pages of the brochure, opening with a thank you to the attendees of the event and updating them on recent accomplishments and works done by and in partnership with the LCHP. The second page foes further into detail on two major events; "A Path Forward," a mural done by Lakeland teen artists and others on the trail underpass by Baltimore Avenue. The second major event is that of the LCHP establishing the archive project in partnership with MITH and other departments of UMD; - Third and fourth interior pages of the brochure. The left page details the College Park Dream Team Basketball event at the Community Center. Below, a description of the history of sports in Lakeland, and the introduction of Lakeland Hero Sports Cards. These cards each focus on one athletic Lakelander, with a portrait of them on the front and a history of their events and sports accomplishments on the back. The right page has a dedication to Leonard Smith, the Grand Marshal of the event, and the special guests of the Parade & Picnic - Fifth and sixth pages of the brochure. The fifth has the itinerary for Sunday's event, Music at the Washington Brazilian SDA Church. On the sixth page are brief biographies of the performers listed; - The final page of the booklet, with a last schedule of the events of the weekend. There is also a thank you to sponsors and partners of the event.
Second image displays the side of the family tree that was cut off in the first scan.
A portrait of Anderson Walls - original photograph was torn down the middle with tape holding it together. Restored by MITH in 2019 (originals retained).
While a student at Howard University Diane took part in a study abroad experience in India
Home-going service held at Green Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church, Hamlet, North Carolina, November 7, 1987 at 2:00 pm. Reverend Ellis Gibson officiating. Also includes Death Notice newspaper clipping.
Haliburton and Essex family - various notes and cards.
Mary Braxton’s hand written notes for statement to the College Park City Council.
By Barker, Chen and Ishiguro
By Stephen Oetken. HISP 635
portrait of a lady
George Brooks, Sr a daughter and Suzy Brooks
Amy Brooks Hart, George Brooks Sr.Eddie Brooks Taylor, Geneva Brooks Ross
Center is Fannie Lancaster Hill with Abraham Hill surrounded by their nine sons. The couple also had four daughters
By Elizabeth Adams
Image taken at Sis's Tavern
James Weems Lot 15 Block 4