
Funeral Program page 3
Funeral program for Donald Briscoe Page 4
Lakeland Postmaster List
Postmasters by City LAKELAND POST OFFICE PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY, MARYLAND Name Title Date Appointed James T. Brooke Postmaster 11/25/1891 Thomas J. Cadle Postmaster 12/14/1892 William C. Parker Postmaster 11/17/1894 John R. Ihrie Postmaster 01/13/1898 Joseph M. Rideout Postmaster 03/30/1899 James Hartley Postmaster 12/02/1902 Albert W. Preston Postmaster 12/20/1904 William Van Valkenburg Postmaster 07/26/1905 Discontinued on August 15, 1918; mail to Berwyn

Lakeland Homes
A collection of homes in the Lakeland Community prior to urban renewal

Tourist Cabins
Detail from 1939-59 Sanborn Company map Included in student research project

Proud Community Faces Future
Diamondback April 19, 1978

Queens contest fundraising pageant at Embry AME Church the competitor raising the most money is the winner. In these events participants represented various states or countries.

Noble Men
Left to right are unknown, unknown, Rev. Robert Bady, Charles Carroll, unknown, unknown and unknown

Church Ushers
Included in the image are Harry Braxton and Lucille Sharps of Embry AME Church

Joanne, Harry, Jr and Douglas Braxton

Baby and New Dad
Harry Braxton, Jr and Antrice Braxton at 9 days old

Out of Uniform
Harry Braxton during World War II

Lakeland Map
Item held by Harry Braxton, Sr. The map is affixed to a wooden board and covered with varnish.

Crab Meal
Left to right Mary Day Hollomand, Morris Gustav and unknown

A Party
Birthday celebration for Mary Braxton

Left to right are Mary Braxton, Mary Day Hollomand, Joanne Braxton and

Mary Braxton and great grandson Zion
Mary Braxton
During her birthday celebration
Two Generations
Mary Braxton and her granddaughter Sophia Braxton
Mary Braxton and grandson
Birthday Queen
During a birthday celebration for Mary Braxton. Left to right are her niece Mary Day Hollomand, friend Julia Pitts and Mary Braxton.
Birthday Party
For Mary Braxton
Left to right are Mary Braxton, Mary Day Hollomand and James Weems