Memorandum from Ed Finder to Jack Callahan
Subject Weygandt Property Appraisals
Subject Weygandt Property Appraisals
Advising city council will discuss proposal for sale of rear of Lot 2 Block 13 to First Baptist Church
Recapitulation of discussion with Weygandts on 4/18/1978 over Detroit Avenue property
sending copy of Weygandt contract and requesting appraisal report
by Mark Hass
Advising of interest in purchasing city owned property they rent
Requesting appraisal for Lots 1,2,3 & 4 Block 43 and West 10 feet of Lot 99, Block 12. Berwyn Heights
Contains history of community and zoning with conclusions about issues and causes Page 1 of 19 MNCPPC Technical Staff Report and Amended Technical Staff Report Application Nos A-8547, A-9308, A-9308, A-9309, A-9310 & A-9311 Planning Area 66
In the 1940s, Stewart’s Tavern opened in Nellie Stewart’s home on western Navahoe Street. In the 1950s, her son Henry Conway, a brick mason, and some of his friends built a separate structure next door for the establishment. They renamed it Four Brothers Tavern. When the business was sold to Leonard Smith in the mid-1960s, it became known as Lakeland Tavern. The building was razed in the 1970s, not long after this photograph was taken, to make way for Lakeland’s federally funded urban renewal project.
Check 870 from City of College Park to Earl Weygandt and Matilda Miazga for $7000
Response to letter date April 28, 1978 about property use
Discussion of suggested requirements for Wegrandt Property
Letter to Jay Schaff, Robinson Cleaning Company from Jack Callahan, advising Council will be considering proposal to sell back Wegandt property during work session on March 7, 1978
The Diamondback April 21, 1978 Page 1 by Mark Haas Crisis in Lakeland There was upset when Leon Weiner, a Wilmington developer was chosen to complete work on the Lakeland urban renewal project. Community members preferred a local builder. HIs plan would provide tow high rise buildings and only six single family homes. Community leaders felt there was collusion involved in the developer's selection. In answer Weiner threatened a slander suit. Residents were most displeased with the inclusion of two high rise buildings. This comes on the heals of a meeting between the city and University discussing the Lakeland plans. In 1974 the University offered a joint student development project in Lakeland. That proposal was publicly turned down. At that time the urban renewal plan called for apartment buildings on the east side of the railroad in Lakeland. City officials said community members would be able to relocate in the central conservation area and 30 building lots would be available there this year. Project Area Committee (PAC) spokesman Leonard Smith and other residents made known their desire to return to the original development plan with more single family homes. Smith said "Why should the community be forced to bear the weight of the money problems when we did nothing to cause it? Why should we be hurt by it?
Work Session Paper 114 - Duplicate of 1065
Subject Weygandt Appraisal Reports Asking if appropriate to transmit reports to Mr. Weygandt
Costs from College Park vs. Weyhandt Engineering, INC from Miazga and Miazga related to 5416 Detroit Ave
Subject: Weygandt Property. Comments to contract transmitted by memo dated 11 October 1987"
Maxine and Delphine Gross in the intersection of 54th Avenue and Pierce Avenue in the background is the family home. The Turner home on 54th Avenue is seen as well.
"Letter from Robinson Pipe Cleaning (attachment to Memorandum from Jack Callahan to Ed Finder. Stating interest in purchasing property they rent"
25 January 1978 giving reasons not to sell back Weygandt property, meaning of action and Impact upon urban renewal project
Vendor Mr & Mrs. Earl Weyhandt and Matilda Miazga - Description of items- Acquisition costs associated with condemnation of 5400 Detroit Ave - amount $7000
Transmitting contract with Weygandt for approval
Advising council would be considering issue of sale of property back to Mr. Weygandt
Response to proposal on use of Detroit Avenue property
Students of Lakeland Special Center and staff are moving to the James E. Duckworth school in September. This project was a part of the Lakeland Urban Renewal Project.
Status of real estate transactions in Lakeland 5002 Navahoe Sellers - Lot 9 Block 16 Williams, 8112 51st Ave, Lot 2 Block 13 First Baptist Church,
The Diamondback April 21, 1978 Page 1 Portion of article by Mark Hass Rose Adams lived in Lakeland for more than 50 years. Her son was born in a house built by his grandfather on built on Navahoe Street. In 1972 that house was demolished by the City of College Park. Mrs. Adams has moved to an apartment in Langley Park a 40 minute ride from her job as a custodian on the University campus. The family's Lakeland house was a "family home." were she had lived with her husband and two brothers. One of them died soon after the house was demolished. Adams said "It broke his heart when they tore the house down'" "He had no home, and that's why he died." Mrs. Adams says she still has friends in Lakeland and goes there for church on Sundays. About the project she says "The city sold Lakeland out" "They told us urban renewal would make Lakeland a better place to live. All I see is knocking things down and making people leave." Mrs. Adams was paid $6,000 for her home. That was not enough to buy one of the $50,000 new homes planned to be built.
reaction to proposals on use of Detroit Avenue property
Subject Weygandt Property Approach
Memorandum Subject Prince George's County Zoning Map Amendments- Applicant, City of College Park Urban Renewal Authority (16 pages)
Advising of interest in purchasing property once occupied by them and owned by Weygandt
City of College Park - letter re use of Lakeland School building
re: Weygandt Property
Letter from Leonard Smith to City on use of Lakeland School site
reaction to proposal on use of property
Report is soliciting proposals. Duplicate of item-03721
Report is soliciting proposals
Advising sale of property back to Weygandt, HUD rules would apply to the transaction. Attached pages of HUD Handbook
comparison of appraisals with signature of Jack Callahan
Letter from City Attorney Morris Topf to Edwin Finder transmitting proposed contract between Mr. and Mrs. Weygandt and the City.
request for authorization to procure appraisal services for Weygandt property Request to Implement Informal Procedures For Purchase of Appraisal Services
From Urban Renewal Director to Project Area Committee advising council work session would take up an item about retaining appraisals for Weygandt properties
Hand written memo from Miriam Wolff: "Not given to anyone - Lou was supposed to get but hold until advised to Patrick"; Motion to sell back Weygandt property (Lot 100, 10 feet of lot 99 and 5400 Detroit Avenue) conditioned upon HUD approval; copy of contract and memorandum
Responding to City proposal regarding Weygandt Property