Baseball Player
Lakeland baseball player
Lakeland baseball player
Lakelander yearbook page
School picture as student of Lakeland High School
Donald Gregory Weems
Lakelander Yearbook
Lakelander Yearbook
Lakelander yearbook cover
Lakelander yearbook page
Lakelander Yearbook
This archive also holds another copy of this image from another family collection
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander Yearbook
At home on 54th Avenue
School picture of Lakeland student, Mary Day from 1946-47 school year
Community leaders of the 1940s left to right include Benjamin Briscoe, Sr., George Brooks, Sr., Arthur Brooks, and J. Chesley Mack.
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander Yearbook
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander yearbook
In the 1940s and 1950s much of the organized entertainment in Lakeland was provided by social clubs. These clubs met monthly at the homes of the members. Dinners were part of the gathering and provided the host an opportunity to showcase both their cooking ability and their tableware. The Duchesses and the Counts social clubs sponsored an annual formal dance at Lakeland Hall and sometimes posed for professional photographs. The Duchesses social club was photographed here during their 1947 evening social event. They are, from left to right, Mary Walls Weems, Cecilia Brooks Stewart, Gertrude Walls Corprew, Evelyn Giles Tyner, Florence Wethers, Martha Edwards, Pearl Brooks Briscoe, and Eliza Gray.
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander yearbook 1946-47 school year
Gives facilities and land acquisition information for Riverdale, Hyattsville, and College Park. Other information is given including identification of buildings and names of property owners for land adjacent to railroad land.
Gives facilities and land acquisition information for Lakeland, Berwyn, Branchville . Other information is given including identification of buildings and names of property owners for land adjacent to railroad land. Map shows changes in street names, the addition of an area next to Lakeland called Paint Branch and Lakeland Platforms does not appear on the map. A listing of facility changes is also given. Notations s show a “Fish House” adjacent to the rail lane at the location of “fish platforms”. The platforms were retired in 1931. This is a revision to the 1918 survey and contains a notations on property transfers for each area beginning with the company's acquisition of the property noted.
Lakeland Junior- Senior High School 1948 Yearbook
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander yearbook page
Lakelander 1948 Yearbook
Rev. Jessie Williams with guests
Lakelander yearbook
Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 1947-48 for Jean Gray
Lakelander yearbook page
Page from Lakelander yearbook
At Sis's Tavern in Brentwood. His wife was the proprietor
The Reverend Jessie Williams and the Embry Choir gathered for this photograph on April 27, 1948. Members of the choir are, from left to right, Mary Daisy Briscoe, Mattie Johnson, Evelyn Tyner, Agnes Gross, Willa Mae Smith, James Edwards Jr., Dora Robinson, Annabelle Stroud, Leon Robinson, Amy Potts, Ellen Briscoe, Emma Harrison, Maggie Mack, Ila Mason, and Hazel Thomas.
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander yearbook image
Through the early 1970s, the home was the center of extended-family festivities, including Christmas dinners and Fourth of July fireworks. Pictured are, left to right, Barnett, Mildred holding Lester, Linda, DeWana, Myron, Jean holding Cheryl, and Clarence Jr. By 1954, this branch of the Gray family tree also included Tanya, Zandra, James, and Benay.
Lakelander yearbook
William and Lucille Sharps, at their home in Lakeland with Pamela, age two, welcomed baby daughter Violetta to the family in September 1948. Daughters Melonie and Joy joined the family in 1955 and 1959. Their home was the family residence for four generations until it was razed to make way for urban renewal. The family relocated to Lanham, Maryland, in February 1975.
Lakelander yearbook
Embry AME Church Choir There is another copy of this image in the archive from another collector
Lakelander yearbook
Lakelander Yearbook