Boy Scouts
Pack 1025 sponsored by First Baptist Church. Shown on the front lawn of pack leader, Harold Pitts in Lakeland.
Pack 1025 sponsored by First Baptist Church. Shown on the front lawn of pack leader, Harold Pitts in Lakeland.
Sunday School picnics were a summer highlight for Lakelanders. Everyone would pack a lunch and meet on the third Saturday in July at an amusement park or beach for a day of fun in the sun. The community’s two churches regularly came together for the outing. In 1962, the Embry A. M. E. Sunday School outing took place at Carr’s Beach in Annapolis, Maryland. From left to right are John Webster; Mary Weems Braxton; and Wilmer, Delphine, and Maxine Gross. (Courtesy of the Gross family.)
On the left is an "Alma Mater" poem/reading superimposed upon a photograph of the school. On the right is a Foreword from the editor, Marva A. Allen.
Continuing the pattern of seniors and signing.
Junior Usher Board, Youth group at Embry (Source: master photo log.xls)
Space for autographs and photos from Class Night.
Photos from scholarship presentations and awarding of diplomas.
Embry AME Church is seen to the right. First Baptist Church is to the left just out of site.
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page. The High School Choir, and opposite the Dance Group. The upper photo is of the Spring Dance Recital, "The Witch Doctor." Noted is Ruth Bell, Donald Ingram, and Gwendolyn Bailey, the latter two of whom are in the limbo depicted underneath it.
Inside front cover again, with Hayes' brochure removed. Written in large script is "Pearl Lee Campbell June 1962."
More photos from the Awards Assembly - the Commencement Address, gift from the seniors to the principal, and musical performances.
Jean Gray Smith is seen in the hat center during a visit to Sandy Point Beach on a Sunday School Picnic sponsored by Embry AME Church. Smith was a New Yorker. The daughter of Lakelander Margaret Gross Gray she frequently visited her mother's home community. This day she was visiting the family members along with her own sons, Charles and Kevin.
At Melbourne Ave
The Athletic Banquet, featuring the players and coaches of all the teams coming together to celebrate and regroup at the end of the season. Michael Parker was presented the Athlete of the Year Award, presented by William Hall. Opposite is the Senior Activities section header.
Embry AME Church There is another image of this group taken on the same day in the archive
Event on the lawn of Embry AME Church in Lakeland
Continued pictures from the New York Trip, as well as photos from the Junior-Senior Prom.
First is the Newspaper Staff, and opposite is the Creative Arts Guild.
Although public education and housing were still largely segregated in 1962, there were organizations that admitted individuals regardless of race. One such institution was the College Park Boys Club. In their sports programs, boys were able to learn, play, and compete with peers from neighboring communities. Several Lakelanders are included in this photograph of the club’s track and field program.
More faculty - Some signed their names, as well as a brief note. On the left side is a note from Lonnie Alsop, Simon Alsop's son, who passed June 15 2010 at age 87 as written in the note. Also written is "Good luck Pearl." Simon, the auto mechanic teacher, also signed "Good luck" above his photo.
Fairmont Heights High School First page is the School Council. Opposite is the F.T.A. (Future Teachers of America?) Senior year of James Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell
The Basketball and Baseball Teams, neither of which have a list of players. Each has various photos from games throughout the season.
Front cover of the '62 yearbook for Fairmont Heights High School, titled 'Reflector.'
Continuing the seniors. Some have signed over photographs.
The left page focuses on "The Little Match Girl," a Christmas play performed by the Seniors. Opposite is the Fine Arts Assembly, created for the seniors to be able to display their skills.
Continuing the pattern of seniors and signing.
On the left is a section dedicated to the Senior Show - theirs was space themed ("In Orbit"), providing a live telecast, commentators, dance performances, and interviews. Opposite is the New York Trip, themed "All Around the Town."
The Gospel Choir of Embry A.M.E Church was organized by James Edwards, Jr. in the early 1960s. Members of the choir, pictured from left to right, are (first row) Amy Potts, Marie Brown, organist Rosetta Brooks, and Ethel Wilson Brown; (second row) James Edwards, Jr., Willa Mae Smith, Amy Brooks Hart, and Franklin Brown Jr. In the background is Rev. Robert H. Baddy. (Courtesy of Pearl Lee Campbell and James Edwards III.)
The Yearbook Staff, and opposite the String Ensemble. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra presented a concert to their High School group.
Continuing the pattern of seniors and signing.
Pastor of Embry AME Church in pulpit
Lakeland's Boy Scout Pack 1025 outside the home of their leader Harold Pitts. The group was sponsored by First Baptist Church of College Park
More diploma awardings and scholarship presentations.
More faculty. Some photos are marked with an asterisk - Marie Hall, William Freeman, Leroy Gaskin, James King, Girlever Ginyard, and Myrtle A. Fentress.
The administrative faculty - James Gholson, Lorenza Robinson, Eugene Curry, C. Baltimore, and A. Crutchfield. Robinson and Gholson signed over their photos, Gholson including a note reading "The very best for you!"
Home weddings were popular during the 1950s and 1960s. Mary Day and Samuel Hollomand were married on June 20, 1962, at the home of the bride’s parents. Rain forced the ceremony to be moved indoors to the living room. The Hollomands built their home and raised their family in Lakeland, where they continue to live. (Courtesy of Mary Day Hollomand.)
The left is another Shakespeare quote superimposed upon a photo of clouds, titled 'Seniors.' Opposite is a list of students, their nickname, their ambition, and the clubs they were active in. Some have signed over their photo.
At Embry AME Church
On the left is a photograph of a man posing a woman for a portrait, presumably a senior photo. Beneath is a quote from 'Meditations of the Heart' by Howard Thurman about memory and recollection. Opposite are photographs from all the different classes - from physics to troweling to music.
Embry AME Church
Embry AME Church There is another image of this group in the archive
Photos from the Baccalaureate Service and the Awards Assembly.
Continuing the pattern of seniors and signing.
Embry senior usher board 1962
Sunday school teacher and her pupils.
Labor Day on the grounds of Embry AME Church
Wedding Portrait Their ceremony was in the home of the bride's parents on Pierce Avenue
Clippings of obituaries from staff or students who were working at/graduated from the school in 1962.
A decorative title page, with the title of the school and the county, along with an illustration.