School Images
Lakeland High School in two images top 1930 bottom 1938
Lakeland High School in two images top 1930 bottom 1938
Mary Walls Day and daughter Mary Day
With early Mickey Mouse
This photo shows Gertrude (left) and Viola Brooks (right), daughters of John W. Brooks, with Morris Crump in the backyard of their house on lot 8, block 38. The house is visible in the background. This photo also provides a good view of the yard: the grass is long and there are pole beans growing in the background. There is a white right-angled structure to the left of the photo. (1930s)
For Mrs. Nancy Tabbs
Front Elwood Gross Rear left to Right Rudolph Gross, George Gray,
Elwood Gross riding a tricycle watched over by his cousin Rudolph Gross
Class with principal, Edgar Smith
Senior class of Lakeland High School with principal, Edger Smith (far left). There is another copy of this image in the archive from another collection
Principal Edgar A. Smith is pictured here with the 1938 senior class of Lakeland High School. Smith was appointed principal of Lakeland High School when the school opened in 1928. He held the position until 1966, through its transition to a junior high and later to an elementary school. During much of this period, he also served as a classroom teacher. Even with these responsibilities, Smith completed his master’s degree at Temple University. Students are first row Milton Mack, unknown King, unknown Ross, Willie Randall 2nd row unknown, Oscar Owens, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Principal Edger Smith back row James Marshall, unknown, Hamp Conway, unknown, Gasson Bradford
Edna S. Brown
U.S. One, Maine to Georgia Federal Writer’s HardPress Publishing Miami, FL Page 179 Project This book describes communities along US 1, a road which stretches the length of the east coast of the United States. The small section on the Lakeland Community is summarized here. Lakeland is described as a Negro suburb named for several man made lakes used to produce goldfish. The area’s developer, Edwin Newman built several homes and a hall to house fraternal groups. White residents built the community in 1890. By 1900 so many Negro residents had moved in that the few whites still In the community chose to leave. Lakeland’s population is noted as 300. By comparison College Park is noted as having a population of 316 and Berwyn an area which includes Greenbelt (officially the Berwyn Resettlement Project) has 1,000 inhabitants U.S. One, Maine to Florida by Federal Writer’s Project, HardPress Publishing, Miami, FL reprint from work sponsored by the U.S. 1 Highway Association, Published by Modern Age Books, New York.
Shows close-up image of 1939 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map including structural building details for block 12 lots 1-3 & 15. S = store D = dwelling 1 = 1-story; 2 = 2-story X on walls = windows 8 = 8" wall; 10 = 10" wall
The wedding of Phillip "Billy" Matthews of Laurel and Vera Johnson of Lakeland in May 1939 was recalled by guests as one of the grandest events the community had seen. Members of the wedding party are, from left to right, Eunice Johnson, George Walls, the groom, Gertrude Walls Corprew, the bride, Benjamin Briscoe, Jr. and Pearl Brooks Briscoe.
Shows close-up image of 1939 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map including structural building details. S = store D = dwelling 1 = 1-story; 2 = 2-story X on walls = windows 8 = 8" wall; 10 = 10" wall
Shows close-up image of 1939 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map including structural building details. S = store D = dwelling 1 = 1-story; 2 = 2-story X on walls = windows 8 = 8" wall; 10 = 10" wall
April 30 to May 6 1939 Street Car and Bus Lines
April 16 to 22, 1939 Street Car and Bus
April 9 to 15 1939 Street Car and Bus
Death report along with biography of former ruler of a group of Indian providences. He made a tour of the Lakeland fisheries operation with Edwin Newman in 1907. The Gaekwar of Baroda was a progressive leader and world traveler.
Suburban Map Company Volume Two, Prince George's County, Maryland Shows properties in Lakeland.
Lakeland School, First Grade for Jean Gray 1940-41
Sisters Lucille Virginia Giles Sharps, Omega Frances Giles Crump and their 1st cousin Bernice Giles Hill at Giles homestead, 1425 Albany Avenue
Lakeland School 1st Grade report card of Jean Ann Gray from 1940-41 school year. Gray attended the single race elementary school located on Winnipeg Street in the eastern section of Lakeland. The school was a "Rosenwald School" built in 1925.
Jean Ann Gray 1st grade report card as student at Lakeland Elementary School
Harry Braxton Sr and two others
On day of Kindergarten Graduation of Ethel
Front and back of savings bond booklet. United States War Savings Bonds
Book belonging to Elwood Gross a student at Lakeland Elm. School.
Page of savings stamps from book belonging to Lakeland Elm. School.
In 1942, Edward Lee Tyner was home on leave from the U.S. Navy. Here he celebrates with his wife, Evelyn Giles Tyner, next to him on his right, and friends. They are, from left to right, Eunice Johnson, the Tyners, Vera Johnson Matthews, Mary Weems, Mary Walls Weems, and unidentified.
Duchess Social Club in 1942
Image on top left Martha and James Edwards second image Edith Ridgely Fields and her husband. bottom image unknown
During service in US Army
Beatrice Hughes Thomas
Charles Carroll served in the U.S. Navy during WWII. He was called up for service after settling in Lakeland with his wife, Julia Mack Carroll. He was a teacher in the public school system of Washington D.C. and later became a draftsman for the Department of the Navy. After retiring form federal service, he was hired by the University of Maryland as its first African American personnel officer. He retired from that position after a decade. From 1973 to 1979, he represented Lakeland on the College Park City Council.
During World War II
In US Navy uniform during WW II