Christmas Dinner
At the home of George Gross on Cloud Avenue in Lakeland Rear left to right are Harriet Gross, unknown, unknown and unknown front are Charles Gray and George Gross
At the home of George Gross on Cloud Avenue in Lakeland Rear left to right are Harriet Gross, unknown, unknown and unknown front are Charles Gray and George Gross
Wedding of Billy Jones and Violetta Sharps took place on the grounds of the bride's family home in the eastern part of Lakeland.
Delphine Gross 6th grade
Top left Rudolph Gross (far left) and Harry Braxton, Jr far right between them are the boarder in the home of George Gross on Cloud Avenue and the boarder in the home of Elwood Gross on Pierce Avenue. "Mr. Ed" boarded with the Gross family on Pierce Avenue. Maxine Gross remembers him as a young married man with small children who stayed with the family during the week while attending school at the University of Maryland. He went home to his family on the weekends. This was a common story in Lakeland at the time. Many Black students were older, male and boarded with families in Lakeland. Other images include vacation photo from a trip to Vermont and graduation photo for the brother of Wilmer Gross, James Richard Sydnor
At home of Viola Gross on Navahoe Street. Left to right are David Gray, Kevin Smith, Delphine Gross and Maxine Gross
Parkdale HS was playing against Suitland HS. George Randall was mentioned in the news clipping. In pen, in the clipping, George wrote he blocked the shot in the photo. Parkdale did lose the game though.
City council portrait There is another copy of this image in the archive from another collection.
This Rosenwald high school building served as a junior/senior high school from 1928 until 1950, and an elementary school until 1972. Through that time it also served many of the functions of a community recreation center with the county sometimes hosting classes or summer playground programs at the facility. For a short time in the late 1960s to early 1970s there was even a swimming pool erected. For a time swimming lessons were available to the community's children. In addition to county programs the community and school staff hosted other recreation programs. At times University of Maryland affiliated groups also offered programs at the school building.
Earlene Weems shown in the driveway of home
George Henry Gross at a 1969 ceremony honoring him for his 45 years of service with the University of Maryland's Dining Services Department. He and other employees are being congratulated by the Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel and Comptroller Louis L. Goldstein.
Presented to James Weems during City of College Park Awards program.
Duckpin bowling was a popular pastime, enjoyed by the people of Lakeland. The awarding of trophies and annual banquets were eagerly anticipated by the bowlers. This photo was taken circa 1969-1970 at College Park's Fairlanes Bowling Center. The bowlers pictured are, left to right, James Hill, Helen Swan Hill, Lois GIlbert, and Thomas Randall.
Boys of Embry AME Church in the sanctuary
Event honoring Pauline Gray and Arthur Brooks
Citizen Service Award for James Weems - move to Publicity/Other folder
Plat of Lots 10,-14 Block 44 and lots 1-4 block 43
Sending copies of correspondence about zoning application filed by Weygandts in 1968. Includes a copy of Zoning Map Amendment Petition A7417 Recommended Approval by Prince George's County Planning Board Page 1 of 2. Southeast corner of 54th Avenue and Osage Street in Berwyn Heights, and the Adopted Zoning Proposal 54th Avenue and Osage St property.
On March 28, 1969, an event was held to honor Rev. Robert H. Baddy’s nine years as pastor of Embry A.M.E. Church. Baddy was born in the Hillsdale area of the District of Columbia and was ordained in 1935. A variety of church, community, and religious leaders made congratulatory remarks during the tribute, including former Lakeland School Principal Edgar A. Smith; civic leader J. Chesley Mack; former Embry pastor Rev. James R. Gibson; and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photograph ©2008 Joanne M. Braxton.)
Three Lakelanders worked in the physics department at the University of Maryland as data analysts; their job was to record the results of experiments performed by doctoral students, who used the data in their dissertations. In this 1969 photo are Lucille Giles Sharps, Ethel Dory Lockerman, and Pearl Lee Campbell Edwards.
February 1969
top left Christmas Dinner at Cloud Avenue top right Christmas at Cloud Avenue. Center George Henry and Agnes Gross Christmas morning at son's home on Pierce Avenue. Right Maxine Gross at home on Pierce Avenue. Bottom newspaper clipping on summer program at Lakeland school with UM students
4 images of exterior of Gross home on Pierce Avenue. Center left image is interior of same location. Bottom left is at a different location.
A Parkdale game schedule with handwritten wins and losses. Along with other game new clippings.
This news clipping is about the game of Parkdale v. High Point. Parkdale wins this game 64-38. Jeff Briscoe's performance was very promising in the game as mentioned in the clippings. Also, George Randall was seen in the photo on the clipping grabbing a loose ball.
This clipping has multiple photos of the Parkdale v. High Point. George Randall (jersey #15) is attempting a rebound from High Point players Mike Shuster(jersey #24) and John Adam(jersey #12).
Duplicate of (04889): This news clipping is about the game of Parkdale v. High Point. Parkdale wins this game 64-38. Jeff Briscoe's performance was very promising in the game as mentioned in the clippings. Also, George Randall was seen in the photo on the clipping grabbing a loose ball.
Mayor far Left Dervey Lomax second from left
City of College Park awards James Weems 2nd from left. Mayor William Gullett 3rd from left Hattie Sandidge 4th from left There is another copy of this image in the archive from another collection
First Baptist Church of College Park crowned Gwen Williams Miss First Baptist during a fund-raising pageant held at the church in the summer of 1970. Williams won by raising more money for the church than the other competitors. The Young People's Volunteer Choir provided music for the evening. (Courtesy of Thelma Lomax)
This map shows notations on owners of properties
Youth of First Baptist Church; also shown is Pastor Covington. Bottom left is Miss Sandidge teaching a Sunday School Class and next to that an image of the crowning of Miss First Baptist Church, Gwen Williams. First Baptist Church of College Park crowned Gwen Williams Miss First Baptist during a fundraising pageant held at the church in the summer of 1970. Williams won by raising more money for the church than the other competitors. The Young People's Volunteer Choir provided music for the evening. (Courtesy of Thelma Lomax.)
Baltimore Avenue in downtown College Park
age 5 Image of daughter of Earlene Williams
5108 Pierce Avenue
City of College Park 25th Anniversary celebration
In University of Maryland Dining Hall
left to right are Sylvia Stevens, Mayor, Hattie Lewis and Mary Weems Braxton
James Claiborne is second from the left with Mayor William Reading to the left.
Roads in Lakeland were quite different than those in the rest of the city
Miss First Baptist, 1970, Gwen Williams During First Baptist Church of College Park youth event
At Christmas
Edward and Demand Williams
This mural replaced an earlier one in more subdued tones
City volunteer awards event Shown are Hattie Sandidge and James Weems
On the basketball court during the 1970-71 season at Parkdale High School. James Gray is seen center front with Douglas Few just behind him.