A barber reference book dating back to the sixties.
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 124&125
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 124&125
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 126&127
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 128&129
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 130&131
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 132&133
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 134&135
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 136 & 137
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 138 &139
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 140 & 141 with subtitle for Hairstyles
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 142 & 143
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 144 & 145
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 146 & 147
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 148 & 149
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg 150 & 151
Chapter 8: Men's Haircutting - pg
Chapter 8 &9: Men's Haircutting & Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 156 & 157
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 158 & 159
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 160 & 161
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 162 & 163
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 164 & 165
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 166 &167
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 168 & 169
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 170 & 171 with subtitle Hairstyles for Men and Boys
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 172 & 173
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 174 & 175
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 176 & 177
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 178 & 179
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 180 & 181
Chapter 9: Cutting and Styling Curly and Over-Curly Hair- pg 182 & 183
Ladies at First Baptist Church posed for this photo during the Church's Anniversary celebration in the late 1950s. The ladies are, from left to right, (first row) Mamie McCorkle, Mary Brooks, Alice Briscoe, and Maria Dory; (second row) Lucy Gordon, Mary Johnson Weems, Rose Cager Adams, Patricia Barber, June Jackson,, Harriet Smith, Mary Rustin, unidentified person, Jeanette Brooks, and Julia Pitts; (third row) Alice Branson, Mattie Cameron, Emma Conway, and Patty Hawkins.
Honorees and guests at event recognizing long time employment. Second from left is George Henry Gross. He was awarded for his 45 years of service as an employee of the University of Maryland.
These students are ready for a beach trip. Their teacher offered the outing as a reward to those earning top points in her classroom behavior program. Pictured are front left to right ?, Danny Parker, Joy Sharps behind Karen Sampson, Alison Sampson, Patricia Campbell and rear Delphine Gross and Myra Howard
Lakeland Elementary School with basketball players on the school's court.
5th Grade Report card for Maxine Gross
University of Maryland
In 1970, Prince George’s County officials reported that only a few of Lakeland’s streets were paved, lighting was inadequate, and home values lagged behind those of neighboring white communities. The report failed to mention contributing influences, such as the disparity in economic prospects and the lack of financing opportunities for residential and commercial properties. African Americans were primarily dependent on unregulated private lenders; bank mortgages were rarely granted. Here are two homes on Pierce Avenue circa 1965. On the left is the home of Willie Laney and his wife Arlene; to the right is the home built by Elwood Gross and his wife Wilmer in 1962. (Courtesy of Thelma Lomax.)
Looking across lawn toward 54th Avenue
Playing field of Lakeland Elementary School. The school building is out of view to the left. To the far left is an above ground community pool