
Lakeland Room
Exhibit in Lakeland Room of College Park Community Center

Track and Field Medal
Awarded to Carl Cager

Dervey and Thelma Lomax with their sons Elston and Gregory
Lomax Family (Source: master photo log.xls) left to right Elston, Dervey, Thelma and Gregory Lomax

Denise Seldon Penn's brother carrying a banner reading "Tiny Tots" with another young boy in the American Legion parade.
Photos from the American Legion band & parade.

Robert Ridgley Gray
Robert Ridgley Gray had a stellar career as an educator and civic leader. Born in 1910, he was the eighth child of James H. and Eliza E. Gray. In his unpublished memoir, Gray wrote: “In 1934, I had the honor of opening an eight–room school in Fairmount Heights. … At that time, this was the largest school in the state … built primarily for elementary education.” Gray served his country during World War II. In January 1946, he returned to the school and served as principal there until his 1970 retirement. In 1964, he chaired a bi-racial committee studying the problems of integration in Prince George’s County’s public schools. From 1977 to 1989, Gray was mayor of Fairmount Heights, Maryland. In 2001, a new county elementary school was named for him.
Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Souvenir Journal, a yearbook from the 35th Class Reunion (June 14-15, 1985) at First Baptist Church in College Park, Md and the Ramada Inn in Lanham, Md. See Description for any details on this particular page. Note from donor Arthur Dock: "Edgar Smith put this together for us. It has a few letters and a set of senior superlatives and the yearbook photos of each student. The next item is the program for the 35th Class Reunion. Then there are a series of photographs of one particular party--the reunion. 14 photos. Also an inventory list for the 3 items.
Continuing with photos of the students as they were in 1985 with a short bio.

Denise Seldon Penn and a sibling in their outfits before the American Legion Parade.
Photos from the American Legion band & parade.

Image of vacant lot with dirt road
Weygandt property

Maxine Gross
Author's event at Hyattsville Memorial Library for the work of Joanne Braxton

Memorial service program for Mary E. Braxton (Jan 3 1918- Jan 5 2011.)
"A homegoing Service for Mrs. Mary E. Braxton." Held at Embry AME Church on Jan 8 2011. Contains an obituary for Mrs. Braxton., musical notation for the song "I'll Fly Away," the order of service, and a list of pallbearers and words of thanks to people who'd helped the family.

Embry AME Church

Census Page
Scrapbook made by Gladys Haliburton. See Description for details on this page.
Even more postcards from various European countries.

Meal at Embry AME Church
At the head of the table is Charles Carroll going left are Dervey Lomax, John "Happy" Webster and Shirley Anderson
Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements

Strawberry shortcake Valentine's day card, exterior.
Haliburton and Essex family - various notes and cards.
Scrapbook made by Gladys Haliburton. See Description for details on this page.
More sympathy cards from the various families of friends who'd passed. There is also a wedding invitation and a patterned napkin from the event.

Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
Elizabeth Hicks Campbell and Maseo Campbell

Parris Glendenning, left and Dervey Lomax

Teen Nite
Friday night of Heritage Weekend theme was 1970's

Class of 1950
Event sposored by Lakeland Jr/Sr High School's class of 1950

Untitled Item
List of names - from ___? (Note - cut off)

At College Park Airfield note from contributor states "Hanger #2 College Park Airport"

Prom Night
Stacy Pitts and date

Mayor and Council
Mayor William Gullett and council. Dervey Lomax seated far left

Class Picture
Fifth Grade at College Park Elementary School

Rehabilitation Agreement
City of College Park - rehab agreement 8111 51st st 10/28/76 p2

Hand written untitled notes with headings "Peters and Shark"

Fun in the Sun
Summer beach trip near New York City