The ring on its own., Ring in a black velvet case.

Photo from Donor Paulette McNair's Aunt Rosa's funeral. Harold Adams.
Harold Adams was an architect, built the red house on 8112 51st Ave for his mother. Picture taken at funeral of Aunt Rosie.

Hattie Chappell
Hattie "Dora" Campbell Chappell
Christmas photo of Myron Gray's ex-wife, Kathy, and their daughters, Lisa and Natasha, circa 1985 or 1986.
Their home was near Riggs Park, in Northeast, Washington, D.C but the family moved from Northeast DC to Ellicott City in 1987.

Rail Workers
Benjamin Robert Hicks was employed for years on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. He was a member of a crew that built, maintained and repaired hundreds of miles of railroad track. He is pictured in the middle, the tall man in the dark jacket. Several of Lakeland's earliest African American settlers came to the community through their work on the railroad, including Benjamin Hicks, John C. Johnson, and Joseph Brooks.

George (Pete) Walls and Omega Giles Crump

An application for the Edgar A. Smith Scholarship, as well as an announcement with details.
Edgar A. Smith Scholarship document; typed on a typewriter; scholarship established before invention of computers. The scholarship was organized by Lakeland High school last class, but they wanted to include other schools. They traveled to Upper Marlboro Legal Library to research and structure the scholarship, eventually getting it incorporated. Each year, the committee reviewed applications with the goal to distribute $2,000 to high school students for college costs; recipients were from the towns of Fairmont Heights, Bowie, Laurel, and Muirkirk. School desegregation impacted the group of recipients.

image of fence opening with trailer and building
Weygandt property

Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Souvenir Journal, a yearbook from the 35th Class Reunion (June 14-15, 1985) at First Baptist Church in College Park, Md and the Ramada Inn in Lanham, Md. See Description for any details on this particular page. Note from donor Arthur Dock: "Edgar Smith put this together for us. It has a few letters and a set of senior superlatives and the yearbook photos of each student. The next item is the program for the 35th Class Reunion. Then there are a series of photographs of one particular party--the reunion. 14 photos. Also an inventory list for the 3 items.
On the left page, the basketball team. On the right, a collage of various sports and athletes.

Heilbronn Stars for the Win
James Gray, part of the Heilbronn Stars, helped his team in the ACC basketball standing. His team dealt with the Landstuhl Caduceus from Germany. 96-95 the Heilbronn Stars won most of the game with a six-point lead. But ended with 1 point defeat—also two other ACC games with details about their wins.

Training Class
In preparation for Lakeland Digital Archive's first collections event. Class was lead by Dr. Edvard Thorsadt Thorsett

Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Section C: Land Use Plan (Land Use Map; Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements)

Musical Performance
During City celebration
Pupil progress report for Maxine during the school year of 1965-1966, in First Grade at Lakeland Elementary.
At the time of these progress reports Lakeland ES was segregated. Located on 54th and Lakeland, right across the railroad tracks. The principal at this time was Edgar Smith. Smith was principal from about 1928 when school opened to about 1968. Smith not native of Lakeland. Kindergarten progress report for Maxine Gross from Lakeland Elementary - her grades were very good this year. There are various comments - all to the effect that Maxine is making great progress in school. Brief overview of the subjects covered during the school year, as well as the days absent. Maxine only missed one day.

Paint Branch Elementary School
Students walk into Paint Branch Elementary, the result of lobbying for an integrated elementary school by Lakelanders and other community members.

For event celebrating Joanne Braxton's donation to Hyattsville Branch Library of her new book.

Dark or Light Meat?
George Henry Gross carving a turkey

Folks Made the School

Scrapbook made by Gladys Haliburton. See Description for details on this page.
Various poems, all religious.
Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Map 2: Land Use Plan - Lakeland Urban Renewal Area.

Basketball Game
Officer Powers in photo collected for production of one in a series of sports cards to honor Lakelanders and participants in the Lakeland Stars basketball events. these games were held during heritage weekend for several years. They featured play by local youth and members of local police agencies

Musicians play during heritage weekend celebration on grounds of College Park Community Center