
Ready for the Prom
unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown Janet Randall and unknown

Randall Ladies
Jacqueline, Janet and Agnes Randall at wedding

Audience at Event
At Hyattsville Branch Prince Georges Memorial Library

Scrapbook page
collection of photos wedding at left Pam Boardley at Embry other unrelated photos

Photographed at Lakeland School

Exhibit A View from the Lakes
2009 Black History Month event by Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission at Montpelier Cultural Arts Center
Scrapbook made by Gladys Haliburton. See Description for details on this page.
Donor's mother Gladys Lillian Haliburton(nee Essex), of Essex VA, is standing third from left. Everyone in the photo is in the Essex family.

Wedding Party
Wedding of John C. Bowie and Viola Gross of Lakeland. Shown are left to right Mary Ford,(bride's aunt) Viola Gross Bowie, Mr. Bowie unknown and unknown. The marriage ended in divorce in 1950.

Lakeland Home
Navahoe St

Edgar A. Smith Scholarship Application sponsored by the 1950 graduating class of Lakeland High School
Edgar A. Smith Scholarship Application used to vet applications. Individuals from the last class served on sub-committees for the creation of application and to reviewers of applications. "Jake" Sterling Queen was the individual driving force and organizer for the Edgar A. Smith Scholarship. He became Mrs. Bettye Queen's wife and had younger sisters who attended Fairmont Heights.

Memoir Page
Hand written memories of Robert Ridgley Gray
Marriage photo album of James W. Edwards III and Pearl Lee Campbell Edwards
A gold embossed marriage album. There is a photo of a framed marriage certificate tucked into a viewing panel. Contains various photos from the fiftieth wedding anniversary of the donors. Pictured is the marriage certificate, portraits of the couple, and an invitation to their anniversary party. There are also photos of the venue, photos of Pearl's makeup being done, and screenshots from a slideshow (presumably) about their relationship. Photos of friends and family, writing notes to the couple and mingling.

Exhibit, A View From the Lakes
Black History Month event by Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission at Montpelier Cultural Arts Center 2009

Scrapbook made by Gladys Haliburton. See Description for details on this page.
Thank you cards and gift cards. More wedding invitations.

From City of College Park collection

At City Hall
Dervey Lomax, center
A pamphlet for the 35th class reunion of Lakeland's class of 1950.
The front cover contains logistical information such as time and place., There is a dinner menu and schedule of the night, and a poem titled "Building," about the future and dreams.

Lakeland Heritage Weekend Sunday event
on grounds of First Baptist Church

Easter Lakeland
Earlene Williams in Lakeland Road at age 15

Lakeland School
54th Avenue

Urban Renewal construction
high-rise apartment building
Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Souvenir Journal, a yearbook from the 35th Class Reunion (June 14-15, 1985) at First Baptist Church in College Park, Md and the Ramada Inn in Lanham, Md. See Description for any details on this particular page. Note from donor Arthur Dock: "Edgar Smith put this together for us. It has a few letters and a set of senior superlatives and the yearbook photos of each student. The next item is the program for the 35th Class Reunion. Then there are a series of photographs of one particular party--the reunion. 14 photos. Also an inventory list for the 3 items.
A brief essay about what a high school diploma really is, and an introductory page to the list of staff.

Birthday Celebration
Celebration for James Henry Gray at his home on 54th Avenue

School Girls
School girls, from left to right, (first row) Pamela Sharps, Pearl Lee Campbell; (second row) Mary Ann Campbell, and Pamela Randall wave their Fairmont Heights Hornets pennant as they prepare to leave Lakeland to support their team during the school’s 1960 homecoming game. Lakeland High School was replaced by Fairmont Heights Junior-Senior High School in 1950. The new school served the African-American students from widely scattered areas of Prince George's County. As a result of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the school board abandoned its earlier, race-based school assignment plan and instituted a system based on residential boundaries. At the time, housing in Prince George’s County was segregated. African Americans resided in single-race communities, many out of custom and by choice, and others due to housing discrimination. The result of the new boundaries plan was a school system with mostly single-race schools. There was a policy, however, that allowed students to seek assignment to other schools. Few sought that option. In the 1960s, Lakeland students were assigned to the closer, predominantly-white Northwestern High School in Hyattsville and High Point High School in Beltsville.

Track and Field Medal
Silver track and field medal awarded to Lakelander, Carl Cager

Arthur's Event with Lakelander, Joanne Braxton, Phd
Hyattsville Branch, Prince George's County Public Library Presentation by Lakelander, Joanne Braxton co sponsored with LCHP
Anderson Walls and Bernice Lancaster Walls.
Bernice was an Usher at the Embry Church. Anderson died in 1993. Bernice was a lifetime church goer, but not Anderson. Anderson was a count and a Mason - 'Mason of the counts.' Bernice was the Countess.
Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements, cont'd. Painting and Decoration - Mechanical Equipment.
1950 Graduating Class of Lakeland Jr-Sr High School Class meeting July 18 2019 minutes.
Details the time and date of the meeting as well as the agenda. They covered the "background and role of organizations in the grant design", interviews and selection of content for a book, and a thank you dinner at Busboys and Poets. There is a list of the organizations involved in the grant design - The Lakeland Community Heritage Project, The College Park Community Foundation, and MITH. It also lists member of the UMD team at MITH who helped/are helping: Dr. Mary Corbin Sies, Stephanie Sapienza, Cameron Thurston, and Trevor Muñoz.

Solid Waste Truck
City of College Park Public Works

The Big "M" on UMD's Campus Drive (color version)
The "M" in the traffic circle on Campus Drive has been a landmark on the University of Maryland campus since the 1970s. Its recognition factor is second only to the University Chapel. James Adams of Lakeland was a member of the university's grounds crew for 37 years and was instrumental in the installation of this planting.