
Taken at Gary Weems's 1987 wedding. Pictured are the four brothers, the children of James and Dolores. Gary in center, on the right are Guy and Michael, and on the left are Glenn and Luther.

At Embry
Rev. Jessie Williams and unknown group

View from Above
College Park Airport, College Park, University of Maryland and Berwyn
Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 'Seniors at the Bar' Comedy Play Program
Contains the following: - First page of the program, with a brief summary of the plot. Written by Beulah Woolard. Bettye Marshall delivers the opening "Graduate Soliloquy."; - The second page, with the scene in which the act takes place. Also has the cast printed; - List of the musicians, then three more roles: Class Bill (?), Prophecy, and Gifts. These are delivered respectively by Beatrice Snowden, Elsie Carter, and Yvonne James & Arthur Dock; - Back of the pamphlet, with writing on the top right corner. It may read either "Ho 1054." Hard to tell.

Greeting and Gathering
Hyattsville Branch of Prince George's County Memorial Library

A worn, old toy monkey figurine. It sits in a tee shirt and matching pants, holding what looks like a bottle. The writing on the shirt is difficult to read. It may say, "Jared Mubbs."
Four photos display the front view of the monkey; Left side view of the monkey; Back view of the monkey; Right side view of the monkey.

Team Photo
Basketball team photo with James Gray kneeling on the left.

Pearl Lee Campbell
As schoolgirl

Yearbook of Lakeland Junior-Senior High School's graduating 1950 class. See Description for more details about this particular page.
The Safety Patrol and Sportsmanlike Drivers clubs.

Page from Lakelander yearbook
Lakeland Junior Senior High School

Untitled Item
In the 'LCHP-II, Jan 2011 > 15September_audio' folder on the hard drive of data from Mary Sies. The interviewer does not state her name on the audio, and there is no date given. Split across four video files (both mp3 and wma): A-011_1 (3:35), A-011_2 (:13), A-011_3 (43:29), and A-011_4 (3:51)

Section of Lakeland map with hand drawn markings and color coding - section 2 of 4
Appears to show location and ownership of subject lots within Lakeland

images of Lake Artemesia
After redevelopment

Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements, cont'd. Space Standards & Rooms Sizes.

Lakelander yearbook page

Event in Lakeland Room
College Park Community Center on right is State Senator James Rosapepe

Library Staff Member
During event for presentation of new book by Joanne Braxton at Hyattsville Branch Library

Addie Duckett and William Greenleaf at Edwards Home
Addie Duckett and William Greenleaf at Edwards home (Source: master photo log.xls)
Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Existing Zoning - Lakeland Urban Renewal Area

James Adams Park
Navahoe Street at Berwyn House Road and Rhode Island Avenue named in honor of Lakeland Resident

Larry Claiborne
Brother of Elizabeth C. Adams

St. Andrew Kim Dance Group
Youth performers

Motel Buildings
Property at Baltimore Avenue

Birthday Celebration
Celebration for family patriarch James Henry Gray
Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Map 3: Land Acquisition Map - Lakeland Urban Renewal Area

Black History Month Event for University of Maryland Physical Plant Employees
Presentation by Lakeland Community Heritage Project on College Park Campus of University of Maryland

Ethel Brown and son
Lived in Murkirk daughter in law of Helen Brown and Franklin Brown

Children During Church Program
Embry AME Church

Exhibit on Sandlot Baseball
Presented by Lakeland Community Heritage Project at University of Maryland baseball field

Conley-Mason Family
During family reunion