
Maceo Campbell, Sr.
In front of backdrop of Washington DC photography studio
Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Description of Project (cont'd Development Objectives, Procedures for Accomplishments and Design Review Panel)

Carl E. Cager Home
Cleveland Ave-- Carl E. Cager

Melonie Sharps Garrett
Melonie Sharps Garrett grew up in Lakeland with her parents and three sisters. Her career has flourished as a master certified coach and organizational development consultant. She has led her own company--ATG Coaching and Consulting, LLC--for 22 years.

Storm Clean up
Tropical Storm Agnes caused massive damage along the east coast. Even inland areas like Lakeland were devastated. Here is shown the front of the 54th Avenue home of George Henry and Agnes Gross. Belongings beyond salvaging are placed at the roadside for disposal.

ACC Playoffs with the Stars
Many significant players and plays in a game against the Baumholder Buger Bears of Landstuhl Germany and the Heilbronn Stars. The Stars win 88-86.

Emma Harrison
Old metal plate portrait of Mrs. Gross's great grandmother, Emma Harrison. Not a Lakelander - originally from Murkirk MD. Moved to Lakeland when she married donor's great grandfather in the 1920s, who worked at the ironworks in Murkirk. Metal plate could be a photograph that's been painted over to add color and detail. She is the mother of Agnes Harrison Gross and Emma Harrison of Lakeland.

News Release
Groundbreaking for Spellman House page 3. Duplicate of item-02496.

Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section, cont'd. Commercial Use Areas subsection

Workers at College Park Airfield
Airmail mechanics, couriers, pilots and groundskeepers pose in the early 1900s at the College Park Airfield's Airmail Station. Lakelanders among the crew include Charles J. Johnson, Hans Hill, Paul Hill, George Brooks, and Bernie Brooks. The College Park Airport, established in 1909 and located just beyond the boundaries of Lakeland, is the world's oldest continually operating airport.

After Fire
Mack's Market

Couple on the Beach
Mary Weems Braxton and Harry Braxton. Sr
Photograph of Retirement/Award ceremony at the Dept. of Treasury, in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
Donor Clarice Briscoe worked as accounting receiver. She is in the back row second from the left.

Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Souvenir Journal, a yearbook from the 35th Class Reunion (June 14-15, 1985) at First Baptist Church in College Park, Md and the Ramada Inn in Lanham, Md. See Description for any details on this particular page. Note from donor Arthur Dock: "Edgar Smith put this together for us. It has a few letters and a set of senior superlatives and the yearbook photos of each student. The next item is the program for the 35th Class Reunion. Then there are a series of photographs of one particular party--the reunion. 14 photos. Also an inventory list for the 3 items.
A letter from the former principal of Lakeland Elementary, as well as a 'Recipe for Education.'

Cordove Home
Located in the eastern section of Lakeland, this home was lived in by Marcelino Cordove and his family, who had immigrated from Cuba. The house occupied prime property on the banks of Lake Artemesia. For several years, the family operated a lodging business with modest "tourist homes" located adjacent to the house. Like all the other homes on Lakeland's eastern area, it was demolished to make way for urban renewal efforts.

Mayor and Counicl
Mayor William Gullett and Council. Dervey Lomax is seated far left There is another copy of this image in the archive from another collection