Aaron Christopher Rice-Campbell
Kindergarten Graduate
Kindergarten Graduate
In 1947, James Henry Gray sat for this formal photo with, from left to right, his eldest son, William H. McKinley Gray (Will); grandson William H. McKinley Gray II; and great-grandson William H. McKinley Gray III (Butch). James H. Gray died in 1957. His family maintained the home on Pierce Street for two more decades. Will, following in his father’s path, was a successful interior painter and paperhanger in the District of Columbia. A World War I veteran, he is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. McKinley owned PauMac Photographers in the District of Columbia and built an extensive archive of images. Butch died in childhood following surgery. (Courtesy of the Gray family.)
Baby picture
Baby Donald Weems on Navahoe Street with friends at Ice Cream Truck
Grandchildren of Elizabeth Campbell Adams. Rear from left are Brigette Smith Day, Monica Edwards, George Smith, Jr. front is James Edwards IV
On the patio of their home with classmates in attendence is the birhtday party hosted for the daughters of the Gross family
top left unknown, right Warner Adams Bottom image Edward Lee Tyner on leave during WWII. See single image for full description.
Children of the Embry AME Church congregation
City of College Park presentations
Edward and Demand Williams
On steps of the home of Julia and Harrold Pitts in Lakeland
Boys of Embry AME Church in the sanctuary
Although public education and housing were still largely segregated in 1962, there were organizations that admitted individuals regardless of race. One such institution was the College Park Boys Club. In their sports programs, boys were able to learn, play, and compete with peers from neighboring communities. Several Lakelanders are included in this photograph of the club’s track and field program.
School Photo
From City of College Park collection
University of Maryland student tutor with Lakeland elementary student. There is a long history of University of Maryland student volunteer tutoring programs partnering young Lakelanders. In the 1990s and 2000s one of those programs was the Lakeland Stars out of Paint Branch Elementary School. Pictured are a pair of program participants.
With early Mickey Mouse
Leo, Limatine, Raynard, Isaiah and baby Maggie Johnson
Damian Jones on a tricycle in the garden of the Sharps, his grandparents in the eastern area of Lakealnd.
Alejandra and Katarina Melnyk and Abigail Cohen ride in parade during Heritage Weekend in Lakeland
. Born April 9, 1983 age 7 months
In the rear of a Lakeland home
At Lakeland Elementary School during 1965-66 school year
As a young woman, Margaret Gross Gray moved to New York City and married; yet she still maintained ties to Lakeland. Her visits were frequent and her children and grandchildren came for long holidays “in the country.” One visit with Gray’s grandmother, Harriet Hughes of Lakeland Road (seated, center), is captured here circa 1942. From left to right, standing, are Beatrice Hughes Thomas, Cora Gross, George Gray, and Margaret Gross Gray. Seated on the ground are Jean Gray (right) and Amelia Wilson (left). (Courtesy of the Gross family.)
Lakeland Elementary School at that time the school served grades to 6. They are shown with the teachers for each of two classrooms. Higher grades were served at Lakeland High School
Two children of the Randall family and a cousin
Melanie Sharps in front of well at Sharps residence, Block 34, Lot 6, date unknown, post 1960
Kindergarten class of Lakeland Elementary School at University of Maryland animal barn during 1965-66 School year
Lakeland schools supplemented academic activities with variety shows that helped children develop performance skills and confidence in public speaking. In 1953, students at Lakeland Elementary School performed a Tom Thumb wedding, inspired by the song “The Wedding of the Painted Doll,” from the 1929 film The Broadway Melody. The school’s presentation included Lakeland boys and girls, as well as those who attended the school from other communities along U.S. Route 1
Melnyk sisters joined Abigail Cohen to ride in open car during parade held as part of Lakeland Heritage Weekend
At home on 54th Avenue
School photograph
Children on the soccer field which replaced the baseball field traditionally used by the community