Lakeland Heritage Weekend 2011 booklet.


Contains: - The cover page contains various icons representative of Lakeland, such as the streetcar trolley sign and the railroad crossing; - The schedule for the weekend, detailing the events for the community party on Saturday and the religious service on Sunday; - An introductory piece, explaining the mission of the weekend and the Lakeland Community Heritage Project; - An overview of Lakeland history. Noted image of a house is the "Hicks house;" - Brief descriptions of Lakeland's churches and Lakeland's clubs.; - A description of the families of Lakeland and how they were forced out of their homes by Urban Renewal. Contains a description of the history and impact of Lake Artemesia; - More descripition of the erasure of a large part of the community, then recognition of how it's come back stronger than before; - A family tree template; - The order of service for the religious service on the Sunday., Empty space for notes and resources with which one could find their family history. On the right side, a map of eastern Lakeland; - The final page of the pamphlet, with thank-yous and acknowledgements.

Maxine GrossDervey LomaxEric Olson