Yearbook Page
Ex Libris
Ex Libris
March 3, 1981 Tribute to Gladys Spellman
Clippings about the Parkdale sports teams, especially the football one.
Cover Page/ 1st page
Contains: - The cover page contains various icons representative of Lakeland, such as the streetcar trolley sign and the railroad crossing; - The schedule for the weekend, detailing the events for the community party on Saturday and the religious service on Sunday; - An introductory piece, explaining the mission of the weekend and the Lakeland Community Heritage Project; - An overview of Lakeland history. Noted image of a house is the "Hicks house;" - Brief descriptions of Lakeland's churches and Lakeland's clubs.; - A description of the families of Lakeland and how they were forced out of their homes by Urban Renewal. Contains a description of the history and impact of Lake Artemesia; - More descripition of the erasure of a large part of the community, then recognition of how it's come back stronger than before; - A family tree template; - The order of service for the religious service on the Sunday., Empty space for notes and resources with which one could find their family history. On the right side, a map of eastern Lakeland; - The final page of the pamphlet, with thank-yous and acknowledgements.
Newspaper clippings of various happenings involving Lakelanders.
Various newspaper clippings - multiple of Joanne Braxton's accomplishments. An opinion column about how women can't win when it comes to men.
Scrapbook made by Gladys Haliburton. A certificate of attendance for James Haliburton, a certificate of recognition from Vacation Bible School for Gladys, and newspaper clippings for the Spears couple's 43rd anniversary.
Yearbook Page from Lakelander yearbook of Lakeland High School
Lakelander yearbook
Ad from back page of a program listing sponsors or advertisers - which program?
Cover Page: Mentions the Officers, PGC's 300th Anniversary, the legacy of the last graduating class of Lakeland Jr. Senior High School, and the structural goals.
Contains the following: - Cover of 'The Plain Truth." Headline - Are you getting all the news that's on TV? This is the October issue, from 1986. - A table of contents and a letter from the publisher about Nancy Reagan's war on drugs., - "Nuclear war and the Book of Revelation." An illustration of the Four horsemen of the apocalypse., - Continuation of previous article - compares effects of nuclear war to the apocalypse as described in the Book of Revelations. Second page is a new article - "Television News... Little Breadth, Almost No Depth." It describes how TV provides a bit of information, but not nearly enough for people to be well informed by it., - "From the telecast ... The Seven Major Mysteries." Taken from a telecast by Richard Ames. There is also an inset booklet titled "Are We in the Last Days? You can know for sure!", - "The World Tomorrow." List of various radio and TV stations readers can turn to to hear telecasts from people who work with the magazine., - Chapter 13 of a serial by Herbert W. Armstrong's 'Mystery of the Ages.', - "But why sex?" An article asking why sex exists., - "What Are You Doing About that Hole in Your Head?" Asking readers what they're missing in their life., - "Kingdom of God" article continued, from the serial., - Attached is a booklet advertising a Bible Studies course at The Ambassador College., - "News Overview" - various snippets about AIDS, gambling, the economy, and earthquakes. , - "Nuclear War and the Book of Revelation" and the "Letter from the Publisher." - There are also "Letters to the Editor.", Back cover of the magazine, with various blurbs about the featured articles.
Lakelander yearbook page
Newspaper clippings about Lomax's becoming elected mayor. Additional clippings about urban renewal, and Parkdale wins.