Randall Home
Navahoe Street
Navahoe Street
The home of Charles Hamlett and his second wife, Nettie Edwards Hamlett. It was located on Cleveland Avenue near Lake Artemesia. Originally a single home, over time more units were added for use as rentals.
Victor Dickey 4704 Lakeland Rd Block 19 w 50"of lot 11
City of College Park - Demolition photos 8005 48th Ave & 4802 Lakeland Rd.
Edwards house twenty years after another image in this collection.
5400 Cleveland Ave. Block 45 Lot 6 Parcel 18-3 Paul & Delores Parker
4906 Navahoe St Project Parcel 20-6
4712 Navahoe National Mobile Village Inc Block 17 Lots 4,5 and part of lot 3
Shortly before demolition
Block 44 Lots 7, 8, 9 ,10 and 11
Lakeland Home
Lakeland Home
Lakeland Home
Auxiliary Dwelling at Campbell home on Pierce
Navahoe St
Includes details of facilities on train line. Covers Lakeland, Berwyn, Branchville, and Daniel’s Park. Shown are indicators of a water tower near the lake and station signs between Cloud Avenue and Pierce Avenue. The map also lists acquisition information for railroad property. Lakeland is shown along with the location’s mileage designation, 1149+657 and is marked Lakeland Platforms, other notations include Berwyn Station, and Branchville Station.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Paint Branch near Lakeland Image from 1918 railroad survey