Subject: Educationpage 5
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page.
More faculty - Some signed their names, as well as a brief note. On the left side is a note from Lonnie Alsop, Simon Alsop's son, who passed June 15 2010 at age 87 as written in the note. Also written is "Good luck Pearl." Simon, the auto mechanic teacher, also signed "Good luck" above his photo.
Kindergarten field trip to campus
Kindergarten class outing to animal science barn on University of Maryland campus. With the children are teacher Miss Pinkney, left and parent, Fannie Douglas, right
First Grade Class with Miss Davis
Miss Davis's first grade class at Lakeland Elementary School in 1965-66. The photograph was taken in the school library,
Fairmont Heights High School First page is the School Council. Opposite is the F.T.A. (Future Teachers of America?) Senior year of James Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell
Envelope of Photos
Lakeland Jr Sr. High School class 35th Reunion
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page.
The Basketball and Baseball Teams, neither of which have a list of players. Each has various photos from games throughout the season.
Elwood Harrison Gross
School picture
Reunion Trip
Reunion trip to Wildwood New Jersey of Lakeland High School class of 1950
Newspaper Staff
Lakelander Yearbook
Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Program (1985)
Front cover of the 35th class reunion pamphlet contains information about the location and time. There's an art deco border. "Celebrating in love... Reflecting with joy." A dedication of the 1950 Lakelander. The dinner menu and the program of the evening; both finished with a short inspirational quote. A short poem titled 'Building' about dreams and living in the moment.
Lakelander Dedication--Drawing
Taken from Lakeland High School yearbook
Edgar A. Smith Scholarship Application sponsored by the 1950 graduating class of Lakeland High School
Edgar A. Smith Scholarship Application used to vet applications. Individuals from the last class served on sub-committees for the creation of application and to reviewers of applications. "Jake" Sterling Queen was the individual driving force and organizer for the Edgar A. Smith Scholarship. He became Mrs. Bettye Queen's wife and had younger sisters who attended Fairmont Heights.
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page.
Front cover of the '62 yearbook for Fairmont Heights High School, titled 'Reflector.'
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page.
Continuing the seniors. Some have signed over photographs.
Basketball Clipping
Briscoe Boosts Parkdale Hoops
Lakeland Elementary School Students
Students picture are from the rear left to right unknown, unknown, Mary Hamlett, unknown, unknown unknown, unknown, Carl Cager (far right) Center row far right is Thomas unknown, Mary Jackson, Jean Ann Gray, unknown, unknown , Catherine Walls, Larson, unkown front row far left unknown, Elwood Gross, unknown, James Weems (Billy), Edward Dory, Elmore Adams.
Lakeland School
54th Avenue
Senior Class with Principal
Principal Edgar A. Smith is pictured here with the 1938 senior class of Lakeland High School. Smith was appointed principal of Lakeland High School when the school opened in 1928. He held the position until 1966, through its transition to a junior high and later to an elementary school. During much of this period, he also served as a classroom teacher. Even with these responsibilities, Smith completed his master’s degree at Temple University. Students are first row Milton Mack, unknown King, unknown Ross, Willie Randall 2nd row unknown, Oscar Owens, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Principal Edger Smith back row James Marshall, unknown, Hamp Conway, unknown, Gasson Bradford
Lakelander Cover
Lakelander yearbook cover
Gregory Lomax
In 1960, Dervey and Thelma Lomax sought to enroll their son Gregory in a nearby, predominantly white elementary school, but the school board denied his admission. After a second denial a year later, the Lomax family, with the assistance of the local NAACP, appealed to the state board of education. The local board settled by admitting Gregory as a second-grader to the predominantly white College Park Elementary School. The following year he was joined at school by his younger brother Elston and a few other young Lakelanders. Gregory Lomax is shown as an elementary school student.
Mazie Adams Fields
1946-47 School year picture
Second and Third Grade
Class from Paint Branch Elementary School 1977-78 school year. Their teacher is Mrs. Lyon
Lakeland School Students and Teacher
Lakeland's original one-room school building remained in use until 1917, when it was replaced by a two-classroom structure. This photograph shows students at the school with one of their teachers, George G. Waters, circa 1915.
Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 'Seniors at the Bar' Comedy Play Program
Contains the following: - First page of the program, with a brief summary of the plot. Written by Beulah Woolard. Bettye Marshall delivers the opening "Graduate Soliloquy."; - The second page, with the scene in which the act takes place. Also has the cast printed; - List of the musicians, then three more roles: Class Bill (?), Prophecy, and Gifts. These are delivered respectively by Beatrice Snowden, Elsie Carter, and Yvonne James & Arthur Dock; - Back of the pamphlet, with writing on the top right corner. It may read either "Ho 1054." Hard to tell.
Prefect Attendance
Gregory Lomax, 5th Grade at College Park Elementary School
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page.
The left page focuses on "The Little Match Girl," a Christmas play performed by the Seniors. Opposite is the Fine Arts Assembly, created for the seniors to be able to display their skills.
Page from Lakelander yearbook
Lakeland Junior Senior High School
Mazie Adams Fields
Lakeland Elementary School student during the 1945-46 school year
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page.
Continuing the pattern of seniors and signing.
Reunion Trip
Lakeland High School class of 1950 reunion trip to Wildwood NJ
Dance Group
Lakelander yearbook page
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page.
On the left is a section dedicated to the Senior Show - theirs was space themed ("In Orbit"), providing a live telecast, commentators, dance performances, and interviews. Opposite is the New York Trip, themed "All Around the Town."
Lakelander yearbook
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page.
The Yearbook Staff, and opposite the String Ensemble. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra presented a concert to their High School group.
Help from a Friend
University of Maryland student tutor with Lakeland elementary student. There is a long history of University of Maryland student volunteer tutoring programs partnering young Lakelanders. In the 1990s and 2000s one of those programs was the Lakeland Stars out of Paint Branch Elementary School. Pictured are a pair of program participants.
Fairmont Heights Highschool 1962 yearbook. Titled "Reflector." Senior year of James Walter Edwards and Pearl Lee Campbell. See Description for more information about this particular page.
Continuing the pattern of seniors and signing.
School Girls
Left Edna Marie Tyner Gross and right Shirley Delores Tyner students at Lakeland Elementary School from 1945-46 school year
Science Project for Gregory Lomax at College Park Elementary School
Lakelander Yearbook
Yearbook cover in color The school colors are described as gold and true blue