Donald L. Byrd
1 to 8 of 8 total items
includes dates: 1975 - 1986

Road Barrier
Letter to Don Byrd to Max Bowen RE: 54th Avenue, College Park

Jack Callahan Correspondence re: Weygandt lots
Memorandum to Donald Byrd from Jack Callahan, containing/referencing an enclosed letter to Morris Topf, concerning the use of properties owned by Weygandt.

Memorandum to Donald Byrd from Jack Callahan
new barricade instillation with attachment of letter from Morris Topf to owner and tenants of Weygandt property on Detroit Avenue

Memorandum to Donald Byrd from Jack Callahan
Complaint about dirt stockpiled on 54th Avenue at end of public right of way and Weygandt closing his connecting private road.
No image

Zoning Violation
Letter from Donald Byrd to Department of Licenses and Permits. Requested action be taken as 5401 Detroit Avenue zoned R55 was a business, Asphalt General

dirt road with vehicles
Weygandt property