Members of stewardess board of Embry AME Church
Embry stewardess board. they helped to run church. The church also had a group called communion stewardess board. Their function was to prepare for and assist in the communion service.
Embry stewardess board. they helped to run church. The church also had a group called communion stewardess board. Their function was to prepare for and assist in the communion service.
Rear left to right James Edwards II, Rev. Baddy, James Clemons, center William Gray, Mr. Hart, George Henry Gross front Thomas Randall, unknown. George Brooks Sr, Dessie Thomas, Arthur Brooks
A 1960 photograph of members of the Senior Usher Board of Embry AME Church. The ushers acted as official greeters and doorkeepers for church services.
Pastor of Embry AME Church in the pulpit
Sunday dinner was the most special meal of the week and it was a true occasion to have the preacher as guest. Just such a meal is picture here when Rev. Robert H. Baddy was the guest of George Henry and Agnes Gross in their Cloud Avenue home. Rev. Baddy is seated center with Mr. Gross to on the right and the sister of Mrs. Gross Sarah is on the left.
Pastor of Embry AME Church in pulpit
Embry senior usher board 1962
Rear left to right James Edwards II, Rev. Baddy, James Clemons, center William Gray, Mr. Hart, George Henry Gross front Thomas Randall, unknown. George Brooks Sr, Dessie Thomas, Arthur Brooks item 04307 shows this same group
Junior Usher Board, Youth group at Embry (Source: master photo log.xls)
On March 28, 1969, an event was held to honor Rev. Robert H. Baddy’s nine years as pastor of Embry A.M.E. Church. Baddy was born in the Hillsdale area of the District of Columbia and was ordained in 1935. A variety of church, community, and religious leaders made congratulatory remarks during the tribute, including former Lakeland School Principal Edgar A. Smith; civic leader J. Chesley Mack; former Embry pastor Rev. James R. Gibson; and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photograph ©2008 Joanne M. Braxton.)
The Gospel Choir of Embry A.M.E Church was organized by James Edwards, Jr. in the early 1960s. Members of the choir, pictured from left to right, are (first row) Amy Potts, Marie Brown, organist Rosetta Brooks, and Ethel Wilson Brown; (second row) James Edwards, Jr., Willa Mae Smith, Amy Brooks Hart, and Franklin Brown Jr. In the background is Rev. Robert H. Baddy. (Courtesy of Pearl Lee Campbell and James Edwards III.)
Embry AME Church
During event in honor of Pauline Gray and Arthur Brooks. Church pastor, Rev Baddy is seated
Embry A.M.E. Church’s Junior Choir is shown here circa 1965 with their pastor, Rev. Robert H. Baddy. The group served under the direction of Dessie Randall Thomas and was accompanied by Janet Randall on the piano. A member of the group recalls, “The recollection of those old hymns I learned as a child has helped me through many difficult times. Their lyrics have been a continual reminder of God’s love and promises.”
Dessie Randall Thomas served as the Sunday School superintendent of Embry AME Church for 32 years. Through her dedicated teaching and fine example, she guided the religious education of generations of Lakeland's youth. She's pictured here in September 1962, with Sunday school students and staff at the time. She is third from right in the center row. Rev Robert H. Baddy is in the back row, on the far left.
At Embry AME Church
Rev. R.H. Baddy at pulpit at Embry AME Church
Pointing upward in pulpit of Embry AME Church