Lakeland Has A Lake

Newspaper Clippings

Washington Post Page 14 Outside of the City Limits Millions Have Been Invested A Comprehensive Review of the Marvelous Development Which is in Progress Around the Nations Capital Edwin A. Newman owner of Lakeland named the lake in honor of his wife. The lake covers an area of 7 acres and is 5 feet deep. It is fed by more than 100 springs and a 20 inch pipe from Paint Branch. The lake was created 20 years ago by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad when they harvested gravel for ballast. Newman improved the site as a lake. He is now developing the surrounding area as a twelve and a half acre park. This will include stocking the lake with about 10,000 bass, adding plants and pleasure boats. Sidewalks and an electric light plant will be added and there is a post office. A weekly newspaper will be published. Improvements are valued at $135,000 with $65,000 more improvements expected in the l next 8 months. Listed are some of the community’s residents and property owners.

Edwin Newman
Lakeland Has A Lake