Razz a True Story

Newspaper ClippingsAbstract literature

Afro-American November 3, 1922 “RAZZ” The true story of a half-white, half-colored girl in Lakeland, Prince Georges County, Md Short Story The story takes place in a village called Lakeland and centers on the character of Razz. Her birth name and is not known. Nor is her origin. She appeared in the settlement as a small child who skated around the dusty town. Someone started calling her Razz and the name stuck. Razz was a young woman of strong and independent nature. She wore clothing traditional for men and chose hard labor for her work. She was marked by the belief that she was of mixed race and did not know the identity of her father. Razz did not feel she fit in the white or black communities. Despite this she was the leader among the children due to her athletic abilities.

Razz a True Story