Lakeland News

Newspaper Clippings

Baltimore Afro-American May 6, 1921 Lakeland Pastor of Embry, Rev. S. T. Crawford was away at conference. Sister Annie Jones sponsored a missions day at the church. She lives in College Park but had lived in Baltimore. Participants in services that day included Rev Miner of Alexandria Memorial Church in Washington DC, Rev. Authur A. Jones of Northern Baptist Church of Baltimore. The event raised $12 for missions. Embry AME Church was assigned a new pastor. Mary Falls gave a grand entertainment to benefit Embry Church. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray went to the AME Church Conference in Baltimore. Mr. Spencer Mack from Baltimore visited J.W.C. Mack in Lakeland. Master Wesley Brown a son of Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant Brown fell from a tree and was hurt. N. Brewer shot himself while cleaning a gun. He is better. Julia Briscoe, Ellen Briscoe, Mr. and Mrs. J.W.C. Mack plan to go to the Elks parade and dance at Lyric Theater on May 12 in Baltimore. Harriet Hughes has been sick at home but is better now.

Lakeland News