
Newspaper Clippings

Baltimore Afro American May 27, 1921 Lakeland At Embry AME Church pastor Rev. J.A. Dames preached at 11 am. Presiding Elder Dr. Jas. A. Briscoe preached at 3 pm and presided over a quarterly conference. That night the Christian Endeavor League reorganized with M.A. Briscoe as president. Embry AME Church is planning is underway for a rally to be held in July. It will be a benefit to raise funds for remodeling the church. Charles S. Dorsey had Reve and Mrs. Dames and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ? to dinner last Sunday. At First Baptist Church Rev. Sister Goins of Baltimore preached to benefit a rally sponsored by Pleasant Brown. The Community Club has made improvements to Lakeland’s roads. The group’s leadership is Mary Walls as president and Hannah Thomas as secretary. They are building a petition to be given to the county commissioners requesting the county take over care of the roads. J.W.C. Mack had Rev. W.H. Paton as a guest. On Sunday while playing ball Joseph Thomas was hit with a ball and lost consciousness. Mr. William Gross is building a large hall. Sadie Gross has returned home after a visit with friends in Baltimore The funeral for John Cregg of Anacostia was held at Ebenezer Church in Washington.
