Lakeland, Maryland News

Newspaper Clippings

Baltimore Afro American August 26, 1921 Lakeland, Maryland Planning is nearly done for rebuilding of Embry AME Church. Their goal is to get work underway and finished before the weather turns cold. Embry AME Church is preparing for a village camp meeting August 28 to September 18 with services each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. A large tent will house the events. They invite pastors, and musical groups to participate. Rev. J.A. Dames is pastor and George Randall is Church Clerk. Rev. Wesley of Ebenezer Church, Georgetown, DC preached at 3 pm at Embry At First Baptist Church Communion was celebrated by Rev. G.W.M. Lucus the pastor. J.C. Johnson is home after visiting Pittsburgh, Pa for several months After spending a week at a Boy Scout event at Perryville, MD Benjamin Briscoe and Robert E. Brooks have returned home. For several days Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hicks had as guests Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Dames. Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Jones of College Park, MD have returned home after vising family on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dorsey, Mr. and Mrs. John Spriggs, Mr. John Webster, Mrs. Joseph Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Washington and Mr. Charles Richardson attended the annual Horse and Cattle show at Colesville in Montgomery County. Hannah Thomas returned from a visit to Ocean City, Maryland The carnival sponsored by Embry AME Church was successful.

Lakeland, Maryland News