Lakeland, Maryland News

Newspaper Clippings

Baltimore Afro American September 3, 1927 p. 15 Lakeland, Maryland On Sunday at 10:30 Sunday School was held at Embry Church with George Randall acting as superintendent. That afternoon Rev. Wing, George Randall, C. Giles and J. Gray went to Kensington, Maryland for 3 pm services. Next Sunday Embry will have their quarterly conference. The congregation of Embry Church will join with Dent AME Church for joint services at Dent on September 4th and at on Sunday September 11th at Embry. The Sunday Schools of First Baptist and Embry will hold a picnic at Suburban Gardens on August 20th. Stephen Taylor and George Randall are responsible for the event. Mary Walls and Nellie Stewart had Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Matthews of Steelton, Pa and their daughter, Dorothy as weekend guests. Hannah Thomas and Mary Walls returned from the two-day convention of the Household of Ruth. Mrs. Walls served as delegate from the Magdaline Household No.6379, G.U.O. of O.F. of Lakeland. Mary Walls held a successful lawn fete to benefit the Household of Ruth last Friday. Ambrose Green. Mrs. Emma Greene, Jr and their daughter Marie visited Baltimore on Sunday, March 13, 2022 Last Sunday Ellen Briscoe, Helen Briscoe, Dorothy Mack and Delarice Dory went to the camp meeting in Muikirk. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson and family had as guests Winnie Lewis of Greensboro NC. Bertha Brown from Baltimore is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Gray for a week. She arrived with her husband, Mr. S. Brown. He will go home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gray and their family had several guest on Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lorger Green and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Jones and sons, Pearl Prout, Mr. Boone and others from Calvert County Maryland as well as Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner and family from Washington, DC. Mary Spriggs from Lakeland and Rosa Harrison of Muirkirk attended the Elk’s Convention in New York. They stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Washington in Brooklyn NY. During their visit the Washingtons gave several parties to honor their guests. Mrs. Mary Spriggs spent an afternoon with Mrs. Johnson and her son Eugene during her time with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Washington. After a two week visit in New York Mary Walls has returned home. Georgiana Steward is hosting her grandchild Mary Daly and her daughter Josephine and Miss Louise Brooks of New York for a two week visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brooks are hosting their daughter Mary Brewer of New York for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. N.J. Thomas hosted Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Miss J. Grant of Washington DC on Sunday. Viola Gross and her friend John Bowie of Washington DC visited Philadelphia PA on Sunday. Julia Briscoe, George Briscoe ,Mr. and Mrs. Mack, Mr. and Mrs. Tolson and their family paid a visit to friends and family members in Charlotte Hall, Md on Sunday.

Lakeland, Maryland News