Lakeland, Maryland News

Newspaper Clippings

Baltimore Afro American Newspaper column Page 12 Mr. and Mrs. Al Cager had a baby boy on Easter Sunday morning. At the AME Church on Sunday the superintendent, George Randall opened Sunday School. Rev. Taylor preached at 8 pm. The day marked and end to Spring Revival. Rev. Franklin P. Turner will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday, April 18. At the Baptist Church on Sunday Mary E. Johnson the superintendent opened Sunday School. Rev Trueheart preached at the 11 am service. Rev. Abbott preached at 3 pm with the Federation club in attendance. Rev. Snowden from Murmick (Muirkirk) preached at 8 pm. Children attended a program at Marlboro on Saturday April 10th. Some of the youngsters earned awards. Mrs. Stephens has been ill but she is getting better.

Mary Elizabeth Johnson WeemsRev. F. P. TurnerAl CagerMrs. Al Cager
Lakeland, Maryland News