Lakeland, Maryland News

Newspaper Clippings

The Baltimore Afro American December 3, 1927 p 14 Lakeland, Maryland Rev. Wing went to Dent’s AME Church in Bladensburg for services. On Sunday Bertha Gray and Irene Clark hosted Mr. and Mrs. Mills and their daughter from Highridge Maryland. Julia Mack was at home with her parents during the holidays. On Saturday Charles Stokes of Baltimore visited Bessie Mack. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gray hosted Rev J.W. Wing and Mr. and a Mrs. Frank Turner from Washington DC. On Saturday Sarah and Rosetta Brooks left for New York. They have no set plan to return. Hannah Thomas is home from the hospital Those sick include Agnes Forest, Alberta Ross, Janie Tabbs, Ruth Taylor and Nannie Tate.

Revered J. W. WingJulia Mack CarrollBessie S. MackJames Henry GraySarah BrooksRosetta BrooksHannah ThomasAgnes ForestAlberta RossJanie TabbsRuth TaylorNannie Tate
Lakeland, Maryland News