Believe it or not, guys, this fish tale about Lake Artemesia is as good as gold

Newspaper ClippingsAbstract

Washington Post December 3, 2017 Page C3 John Kelly's Washington Henry Bishop, known as the “Gold Fish King” was a German immigrant who turned an interest in birds and fish into a successful business. His company sold the goldfish as well as aquariums, plants, ornaments, and food with the fish having their origin in Lakeland. Edwin Newman started his promotion of Lakeland with homes for sale on monthly payments. A main feature of the development was a park with Lake Artemisia. The lake was stocked with fish and outfitted with boats. Soon Mr. Bishop was using the body of water to raise his fish. In time there were about 25 acres of breeding ponds. The government also used pods in the area for breeding fish. A 1915 report detailed the excellent results of the operation in Lakeland. In Lakeland whites lived on the west while African Americans lived to the east. It is unclear when the use of fish ponds was discontinued. When the Metro’s Green Line was being built engineers realized the land in the are held sand and gravel which could’ve used for construction . One of their number Johann Sikkar proposed a cost saving measure of using that local gravel. Carrying out that plan resulted in a 38-acre park. Helping Hand Fundrasing campaign is underway to raise money for Bright Beginnings, N Street Village, and So Others Might Eat. The goal is $200,000 with $39,613 donated.

Edwin NewmanHenry Bishop
Believe it or not, guys, this fish tale about Lake Artemesia is as good as gold