Lakeland Area to be Rehabilitated by College Park

Newspaper Clippings

Washington Post May 12, 1971 Page B 13 The City of College Park was granted $2.9 million in Federal funds to rehabilitate Lakeland, a Black community of 137 families on a 105 acre plot. A total of $3.8 million in Federal funds is committed for the project. City officials said it was unclear when work would begin on the project. 62 of Lakeland's 141 homes were judged "unfit" and must be repaired or demolished. In addition to a shortage of housing other problems of the community are its location in the flood plain, isolation with access only from Route One, encroachment by industrial sites as well as "poor or inadequate public facilities and services". The acting city manager said that work will start after the hire of necessary city staff and the development of needed contracts.

Lakeland Area to be Rehabilitated by College Park