Magazine delivered to Gladys Haliburton - "The Plain Truth." From October 1986.


Contains the following: - Cover of 'The Plain Truth." Headline - Are you getting all the news that's on TV? This is the October issue, from 1986. - A table of contents and a letter from the publisher about Nancy Reagan's war on drugs., - "Nuclear war and the Book of Revelation." An illustration of the Four horsemen of the apocalypse., - Continuation of previous article - compares effects of nuclear war to the apocalypse as described in the Book of Revelations. Second page is a new article - "Television News... Little Breadth, Almost No Depth." It describes how TV provides a bit of information, but not nearly enough for people to be well informed by it., - "From the telecast ... The Seven Major Mysteries." Taken from a telecast by Richard Ames. There is also an inset booklet titled "Are We in the Last Days? You can know for sure!", - "The World Tomorrow." List of various radio and TV stations readers can turn to to hear telecasts from people who work with the magazine., - Chapter 13 of a serial by Herbert W. Armstrong's 'Mystery of the Ages.', - "But why sex?" An article asking why sex exists., - "What Are You Doing About that Hole in Your Head?" Asking readers what they're missing in their life., - "Kingdom of God" article continued, from the serial., - Attached is a booklet advertising a Bible Studies course at The Ambassador College., - "News Overview" - various snippets about AIDS, gambling, the economy, and earthquakes. , - "Nuclear War and the Book of Revelation" and the "Letter from the Publisher." - There are also "Letters to the Editor.", Back cover of the magazine, with various blurbs about the featured articles.

Gladys Haliburton