Lakeland Civic Association to Mayor dated July 5, 1985
From Lakeland Civic Association to Mayor Kushner
From Lakeland Civic Association to Mayor Kushner
Duplicate of sections of (object) item-5v0wgV and item-qSyk3I
Weygandt V College Park was thrown out 30 days to appeal
Advising of interest in purchasing property once occupied by them and owned by Weygandt
Subject: Weygandt v. City of College Park Contract for Litigation Approved. Approval from HUD attached . In hand writing "Jack Noted. Morris know"" Leon" "Morris Topf was called 13 Mar 80" "J. Callahan"
Memorandum from Morris Topf, City Attorney to Ed Finder, Director of Community Development, Subject Weygandt Property. Recommends treating the return of Weygandt property as settlement of condemnation action rather than a disposition. Process for Transfer Back
City of College Park - letter re use of Lakeland School building
Zoning Appeal #2887 W. Earl Weygandt, Comments by the Chief Zoning Inspector to the Board of Appeals Zoning Letter to Board of Appeals Prince George's County
RE 5401 Detroit Avenue "A violation notice has been issued..."
re: Weygandt Property
Concerning Weygandt property
Letter from Leonard Smith to City on use of Lakeland School site
reaction to proposal on use of property
A letter from the former principal of Lakeland Elementary, as well as a 'Recipe for Education.'
Complaint about dirt stockpiled on 54th Avenue at end of public right of way and Weygandt closing his connecting private road.
City of College Park - rehab agreement 8111 51st st 10/28/76 p2
Hand written untitled notes with headings "Peters and Shark"
Duplicate document as 2482, but this is the better image
Memorandum to Donald Byrd from Jack Callahan, containing/referencing an enclosed letter to Morris Topf, concerning the use of properties owned by Weygandt.
Class of 1950
Document titled "Restriction On Use of Property (Our) Due to Announcement of Urban Renewal - Source appears to be Mr. Weygandt of someone on his behalf. The city was proposing rules for the use of property owned by Weygandt. Hand written note on page "F-Lakeland Weygandt
Litigation, W. Earl & Thelma Weygandt vs. City of College Park enclosed demurer filed
Weygandt Property
Report is soliciting proposals. Duplicate of item-03721
Report is soliciting proposals
Advising sale of property back to Weygandt, HUD rules would apply to the transaction. Attached pages of HUD Handbook
Sending copies of correspondence about zoning application filed by Weygandts in 1968. Includes a copy of Zoning Map Amendment Petition A7417 Recommended Approval by Prince George's County Planning Board Page 1 of 2. Southeast corner of 54th Avenue and Osage Street in Berwyn Heights, and the Adopted Zoning Proposal 54th Avenue and Osage St property.
comparison of appraisals with signature of Jack Callahan
Letter from City Attorney Morris Topf to Edwin Finder transmitting proposed contract between Mr. and Mrs. Weygandt and the City.
Cover memo from Jack Callahan to Regional Counsel HUD, Contract as attachment
request for authorization to procure appraisal services for Weygandt property Request to Implement Informal Procedures For Purchase of Appraisal Services
Hand written note at bottom of page. Shows statement to Morris Topf gives information on fees of attorney, Miazga in the Weygandt case. Page also includes hand written note with statements about property cost and other parts of agreement
From Urban Renewal Director to Project Area Committee advising council work session would take up an item about retaining appraisals for Weygandt properties
Council will discuss sale of land to you on July 10 at 8:00.