Event Letter
RSVP letter for Lakeland High School Class of 1950 50th Anniversary activities
RSVP letter for Lakeland High School Class of 1950 50th Anniversary activities
Letter to College Park Public Works Director from Prince George's County Department of Licenses and Permits concerning zoning violation by operating a construction yard for an asphalt paving company at 5701 Detroit Avenue.
Re: W. Earl Weygandt, et al vs City of College Park, Law No. 79629. Filings attached
Letter from City Attorney Morris Topf to Matilda Miazga sending copies of contract between the City and Weygandts relative to 5400 Detroit Avenue and Lot 100.
Also scanned: the back of the letter.
Letter to Donald McLaughlin from Morris Topf, City reached an agreement to abandon/dismiss the pending condemnation suit and pay legal and other fees City Attorney, Subject College Park Versus Weygandt, 5415 Detroit Avenue
Discussion of his case and request to sell back property for $120, 000.
Letter from Donald Byrd to Department of Licenses and Permits. Requested action be taken as 5401 Detroit Avenue zoned R55 was a business, Asphalt General
Letter to Don Byrd to Max Bowen RE: 54th Avenue, College Park
Robert R. Gray
roposals on use and treatment of Weygandt property"
Letter from City Attorney to attorney for Weygandt. Discussion of contract from City of College Park
Letter with proposals about the use of 5400 Detroit Avenue
Letter from city staff on outcome of request from Lakeland community members for purchase of historic Lakeland High School site for use as a community center. This letter from Patrick Grady, Assistant Director of Community Development was written in response to a letter from Civic Association president, Leonard Smith. Review of both letters makes clear there was a debate about the facts of the situation.
Jack Callahan to Ed Finder. Costs for appraisals for Weygandt properties
Letter from Rodney Young requesting bios and photos for Lakeland High School Class of 1950 50th Anniversary activities (on letterhead)
Expressing interest in discussing ideas about fill dirt, Response to request to discuss fill dirt asking that Councilmen Carroll and Leonard Smith be included in the meeting
page 3
Requesting appraisal of Lots 1,2,3&4 and Lot 100 and West 10 feet of Lot 99, Block 12 Berwyn Heights
Reconsideration of sale of Weygandt property
"There was no enclosure. I called and they will send it to us. L" Attached to letter from Morris Topf.
By Trustees of Embry AME Church
Hand written memoir of Robert Ridgely Gray
Subject Weygandt Property Appraisals
Advising city council will discuss proposal for sale of rear of Lot 2 Block 13 to First Baptist Church
Weygandt property in Lakeland 11 June 86
Recapitulation of discussion with Weygandts on 4/18/1978 over Detroit Avenue property
sending copy of Weygandt contract and requesting appraisal report
Wide photo of the schedule of closing activities for the seniors., Contains an additional scan of the same letter, zoomed slightly in.
Page 3
Letter from Theodore Miazga attorney to Ed Finder, Director of Community Development, City of College Park, Requesting agreement with a continuance for trial as "consultant's recommendation to the City does not include the building of residences on the east side where... property is located."
Advising of interest in purchasing city owned property they rent
with amendments to minutes for February 6, 13 and 20.
Requesting appraisal for Lots 1,2,3 & 4 Block 43 and West 10 feet of Lot 99, Block 12. Berwyn Heights
The note reads, "Mr. Smith, guest, and classmates, I wish to thank all who in any way help make this reunion possible. Your cooperation was excellent. 10 years from today may we all gather here again. Also, the members of the class of '50 wish to thank Mr. Smith and his art dept [sic] for this excellent background." On the bottom, in different handwriting, reads "You are suppose[sic] to thank Mr. Smith no[sic] your job."
Asked that he take back the check and send funds directly to Robinson Pipe and remit it to Attorney Rosen.
duplicate scan of (object) item-5v0wgV
Letter from W. Earl Weygandt of Weygandt Engineering to Robert Kline of Kline and Smit concerning rental property leased to Robinson Pipe Cleaning Lots 2 & 3 Block 43, Lakeland
new barricade instillation with attachment of letter from Morris Topf to owner and tenants of Weygandt property on Detroit Avenue
"Letter to Donald P. McLaughlin from Morris Topf, City Attorney Asking for request to continue case. Waiting for Weiner plan and will likely require change to urban renewal plan requiring additional action" Giving status of urban renewal project. "There would appear to be some likelihood that our entire urban renewal plan will have to be changed..."
"College Park Mayor and Council Work Session Briefing Paper on Lakeland Urban Renewal Project, Weygandt Property - giving history of project, action and rationale #114 page 2 of 1"
Check 870 from City of College Park to Earl Weygandt and Matilda Miazga for $7000
Concerns the representation of Weygandts and review of facts
Unsigned contract for Lots 1,2,3 & 4 Block 43, Lakeland
Letter to Donald Byrd from Department of Licenses and Permits. Asphalt General was continuing to operate a contractor's yard in violation