Celebration of birthday of patriarch
rear left McKenley Gray, DeWana Gray, Millie Gray, Vicurtis Gray Henton, Edward Gray, Barnette Gray, second row Michael Gray, Gregory Gray Seated James Henry Gray, "Pops"
rear left McKenley Gray, DeWana Gray, Millie Gray, Vicurtis Gray Henton, Edward Gray, Barnette Gray, second row Michael Gray, Gregory Gray Seated James Henry Gray, "Pops"
Child's birthday party at the home of Mary Braxton and Harry Braxton Sr. Pictured are Douglas "Kilroy" Braxton and friend
Family and friends gathered to celebrate the 70th birthday of Nellie Stewart in her Navahoe Street home. Standing from left to right are (first row) Reginald Walker, Nellie Stwart, and Vivian Marshal; (second row) Ila Mason, Sylvia Stewart, Maria Lomax Dory, Ellen Lomax Briscoe, and two unidentified women; (third row) Vila Brooks Johnson. (Courtesy of the Gross family)
March 1959
On the patio of their home with classmates in attendence is the birhtday party hosted for the daughters of the Gross family
Mrs. Ellen Randall acts at host at children's party at home
Birthday celebration for James Henry Gray
Celebration for James Henry Gray at his home on 54th Avenue
Celebration for family patriarch James Henry Gray
James Walter Edwards IV on his 12th birthday
Delarace Dory on the porch of his Navahoe Street Home
Delarace Dory birthday celebration for 89th year. The group greeted Mr. Dory as he was seated on the porch of his home.
Ethel Dory and her brothers Elsworth and Edward during the celebration of the 89th birthday of Delarce Dory at Embry AME Church. After greeting Mr. Dory at his home the group moved to Embry Church for a meal.
Shirley Anderson is seen in a white hat and Kim Lockerman is to the rear wearing a white tee shirt. Picture taken during the meal celebrating the 89th birthday of Delarce Dory at Embry AME Church parish hall.
During Birthday Party for father
90th Birthday Party for Delarce Dory at his home on Navahoe St.
90th Birthday Party for Delarce Dory at his home on Navahoe St.
90th Birthday Party for Delarce Dory at his home on Navahoe St.
The Baltimore Afro American March 21 1925 p. A. 15 Lakeland, Maryland Rev. Lucas had a large congregation at First Baptist church At Embry AME Church the Sunday School is preparing for Easter. The pastor, Rev. F.P. Turner is getting ready for conference. He preached on Sunday evening. The children of J.H. Gray surprised him with a party in honor of his birthday. Guests included Ambrose Green, Rev and Mrs. J.W. Armstrong and their children, Lillie Welbourne from Bladensburg, Rev. F.P. Turner, Imogene Davis, Lawyer Peters, Mrs. G. Williams, Marie Walker, William Tayler, W,H. Gray and family, Lee Dines, Clem Hawkins, Annie Tate, Leslie Jones, and Rev. A.A. Jones from Washington DC.
The Baltimore Afro American April 21 1928 p 14 Lakeland, Maryland On Sunday at 10 am Sunday School took place at Embry AME Church. Rev. Jasper of Brentwood preached at 3 pm. He was accompanied by some of the members of that church. Rev Wing, Embry’s pastor preached his farewell sermon at 8 pm. Friday night there was a contest sponsored by the Federation of Women of Brentwood, Bladensburg, Hyattsville and Lakeland. The event was a benefit for the new high school. First Baptist Church had communion service at 3 pm Mr. and Mrs. George Gross Sr are celebrating the birth of a new grandson in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dory, Harriet Hughes, Beatrice Thomas, Hattie Thomas, Ferdinand Hughes and young Josephine and James Waters visited Baltimore on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray ad Mrs. Irene Clark hosted Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sellman of Contee Maryland on Sunday. Mrs. Contee is the sister of Mrs. Gray. On Wednesday evening Mrs. Ralph Conway gave a birthday party for her husband. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Alex James, Mr. and Mrs, James A. Gray, Mrs. Millie Jones, Noamlitha Hodge, Mrs. Henry Conway, Eunice Johnson, Gertrude Waller, Sarah Rollins, Joseph Thomas, Eugene Brown, Arthur Brooks, Earl Johnson and Louis Gray. The monthly meeting of the Parent-Teachers Institute took place at Brentwood AME Zion Church. Attendees from Lakeland were the president George Randall, Mamie Weems, secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Mack with their daughters Bessie and Dorothy, Julia Briscoe, Ellen Briscoe, Mr. and Mrs. James Gray with their son Robert, Mary E. Johnson, Mary Brooks and Ambrose Green.
The Baltimore Afro American May 5, 1928 Lakeland, Maryland Last Tuesday evening The Slabtown District Convention was put on at First Baptist Church. A speaking competition was held at Fairmont Heights on Friday April 27th. George H. Randall and Hattie Thomas competed for Lakeland School. Hattie Thomas was awarded third place. Eliza Greene, Mamie Edmonds and Emma Green are at home with the grippe. A party was given for Ruby Briscoe’s 6th birthday. Guests were Marie Greene, Bernice and Jerline Tolson, Saxaline Briscoe, Anthony and Hannah Brooks, Mary Weems, Lucille Giles, Mamie Singleton, Virginia Griffith, Isabelle Sayman, Vera Johnson, Mary and Julia Briscoe, Dorothy Mack, Omega Giles, Vicurtis Gray, Dervey Lomax, Raymond Wilson, Clarence Lyles, William Steward, McKinley Gray, Chaperons were Mrs. Sayman, Etelka Lomax, Mrs. Noamlitha Hodge, Mr. Willis and Almo Poole. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. John Spriggs hosted Rev. J.A. Dames of Washington DC
Birthday celebration for Mary Braxton
Left to right are Mary Braxton, Mary Day Hollomand, Joanne Braxton and
Mary Braxton and great grandson Zion
During her birthday celebration
Mary Braxton and her granddaughter Sophia Braxton
Mary Braxton and grandson
Guests for 1st Birthday of Abigail Cohen The event was held at the home of her grandmother Wilmer Gross on Pierce Avenue.
During a birthday celebration for Mary Braxton. Left to right are her niece Mary Day Hollomand, friend Julia Pitts and Mary Braxton.
For Mary Braxton
During birthday celebration for Mary Braxton. Mrs. Braxton is on the left with her grandson Mike Weems next to her.