Subject: Eventpage 4

Teen Night Crafts
Heritage Weekend

A View from the Lakes
Outside of exhibit building, Montpelier Cultural Arts Center during showing of A View from the Lakes exhibit. Pictured is the publicity sign featuring Lakelander, Agnes Harrison Gross and her Great granddaughter, Abigail Cohen.

Graduate Student
During presentation of class research

Collections Event
Volunteers at collections event at College Park Community Center Maggie Johnson is left with unknown other volunteer

Lots of Cake
Refreshment table staffed by Elizabeth Hicks Campbell Edwards At Lakeland Park

Park Opening Day
Assorted images

Training Class
In preparation for Lakeland Digital Archive's first collections event. Class was lead by Dr. Edvard Thorsadt Thorsett

For event celebrating Joanne Braxton's donation to Hyattsville Branch Library of her new book.

Folks Made the School

Charles Carroll and Julia Mack Carroll
Members of the 1975 Banquet Planning Committee honoring civic leader Hattie Sandidge included many steadfast members of the Lakeland Civic Association and longtime Lakeland residents. Pictured at the banquet are City Council member Charles Carroll and his wife, Julia Mack Carroll.

Assorted Images
From testimonial dinner in honor of Hattie Sandidge

Guest of Honor
During testimonial dinner

Assorted images
Dedication of Lakeland Park

Signs in Park
Unveiling of interpretive signs for the Lakeland community in Lake Artemisia Park the site of Lakeland's eastern section.

At First Baptist
Three images from event at First Baptist Church in image top left is pastor, Rev. Milton Covington at the head of the table. Picture bottom shows Hattie Sandidge and other parishioners in the kitchen

Pony Ride
Delpine and Maxine Gross ride pony during event at Embry AME Church In addition to good, home-cooked food and the opportunity to visit with friends and family members, on this day in 1963 there was the added attraction of pony rides. Here Delphine and Maxine Gross share a ride, Their father Elwood is barely seen here overseeing the operation along with Mildred Gray. The pony is lead by Lester Gray.

Entrance, A View from the Lakes
Entrance to Montpelier Cultural Arts Center with banner showing logo for View from the Lakes exhibition. The exhibit was made up of images and artifacts telling the story of the Lakeland community of College Park.

Park Dedication
Lakeland Park

Horse Shoes in the Park
At the end of the urban renewal process, Lakeland had its first park. Developed along the south side of Lakeland Road, it includes a pavilion, basketball and tennis courts, and a playground. There are trail links to Lake Artemesia, the Paint Branch Trail, and Anacostia trails. The photograph shows Rose Adams (left center), Thomas Randall (center), and George Stewart (right) engaged in a game of horse shoes in the park. The other individuals are unidentified.

George Henry, Agnes Gross and son Elwood
George Henry and Agnes Gross were married in a quiet ceremony at the home of her sister Ira, in Baltimore, Maryland. The couple chose to make a festive occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Family and friends were invited to the Gross residence on Cloud Avenue on April 8, 1950, for a reception. Left to right, are George Henry Gross, Agnes Harrison Gross, and their son, Elwood Harrison Gross.

During presentation of Black History Month presentation, Folks Made the School

Dinner Date
James Adams and Elizabeth Hicks Campbell Adams at event sponsored by the Nine Wonders Social Club

Maxine Gross
Author's event at Hyattsville Memorial Library for the work of Joanne Braxton

Meal at Embry AME Church
At the head of the table is Charles Carroll going left are Dervey Lomax, John "Happy" Webster and Shirley Anderson

Collection of images of speakers during testimonial dinner for Hattie Sandidge

Park Opening
Collection of images from the opening event for Lakeland Park

Teen Nite
Friday night of Heritage Weekend theme was 1970's

Class of 1950
Event sposored by Lakeland Jr/Sr High School's class of 1950

Parade in Lakeland
Lakeland Parade sponsored by Lakeland Civic Association in honor of Lakeland's centennial

Storytelling Event
At University of Maryland

Teen Night
Heritage Weekend at College Park Community Center

Greenbelt Lions Club
Dervey Lomax pictured along with members of Greenbelt Lions Club