William Wright

Flyer for Lakeland High School Class of 1950 Spring Oldies But Goodies Cabaret on 10/12/1990
Flyer with the where, when and what of the Oldies but Goodies concert of October 1990.
A pamphlet for the "Because We Care" 46th reunion.
The exterior of the brochure, with names of those who'd passed away and a note of thanks to those who made the reunion happen. The brochure also contains a history of the school, the program, and list of the members of the class.

Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 'Seniors at the Bar' Comedy Play Program
Contains the following: - First page of the program, with a brief summary of the plot. Written by Beulah Woolard. Bettye Marshall delivers the opening "Graduate Soliloquy."; - The second page, with the scene in which the act takes place. Also has the cast printed; - List of the musicians, then three more roles: Class Bill (?), Prophecy, and Gifts. These are delivered respectively by Beatrice Snowden, Elsie Carter, and Yvonne James & Arthur Dock; - Back of the pamphlet, with writing on the top right corner. It may read either "Ho 1054." Hard to tell.

A booklet for the commencement of the class of 1950.
The pamphlet, the front and back pages scanned. This shows the list of students, and the title page. The inner pamphlet depicts the schedule and chain of events. Contains a list of students, and the title page, and the schedule of the program.
Program of junior/senior high school class reunion of 1950. (Reunion in 1986.) Held in Temple Hills. People went to Temple Hills skating rink afterwards.
The exterior pages of the brochure, detailing the reunion. There is also an "In memoriam" section for students and school faculty who had passed away beforehand. The interior pages of the brochure - with a short history of Lakeland Junior/Senior High School, the program, and a list of the members of the class.
Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Souvenir Journal, a yearbook from the 35th Class Reunion (June 14-15, 1985) at First Baptist Church in College Park, Md and the Ramada Inn in Lanham, Md. See Description for any details on this particular page. Note from donor Arthur Dock: "Edgar Smith put this together for us. It has a few letters and a set of senior superlatives and the yearbook photos of each student. The next item is the program for the 35th Class Reunion. Then there are a series of photographs of one particular party--the reunion. 14 photos. Also an inventory list for the 3 items.
Continuing with photos of the students as they were in 1985 with a short bio.

Newsletter entitled "The Lakelander", October 1996, Volume 1, No. 1
Cover Page: Mentions the Officers, PGC's 300th Anniversary, the legacy of the last graduating class of Lakeland Jr. Senior High School, and the structural goals.

Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Souvenir Journal, a yearbook from the 35th Class Reunion (June 14-15, 1985) at First Baptist Church in College Park, Md and the Ramada Inn in Lanham, Md. See Description for any details on this particular page. Note from donor Arthur Dock: "Edgar Smith put this together for us. It has a few letters and a set of senior superlatives and the yearbook photos of each student. The next item is the program for the 35th Class Reunion. Then there are a series of photographs of one particular party--the reunion. 14 photos. Also an inventory list for the 3 items.
Continuing with various students, with photographs and a list of the clubs they were involved in.

Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School Graduation Photos
Photo of six graduates standing on steps outside. Also scanned: the back of the photo.

An application for the Edgar A. Smith Scholarship, as well as an announcement with details.
Edgar A. Smith Scholarship document; typed on a typewriter; scholarship established before invention of computers. The scholarship was organized by Lakeland High school last class, but they wanted to include other schools. They traveled to Upper Marlboro Legal Library to research and structure the scholarship, eventually getting it incorporated. Each year, the committee reviewed applications with the goal to distribute $2,000 to high school students for college costs; recipients were from the towns of Fairmont Heights, Bowie, Laurel, and Muirkirk. School desegregation impacted the group of recipients.

Announcement for Memorial Worship Service at First Baptist Church of Glenarden June 27 1990.
On the left, final page, a poem written by Delores Barrows Berdeves, a classmate. She passed Oct 2019 in Fairmont Heights. Lakeland High School english teachers, who largely came from Morgan State or Hampton, stressed poetry reading. The first page shows the logistics of the Memorial Service - who would be leading it, where it was and what time., The order of service and list of classmates and teachers the service was in honor of. Emma Dory Powers, lived in Lakeland and attended Maryland State Teacher's College at Bowie; Tillman, worked with the federal government; Marvin Henry; Charles A. Thomas, had a large family in Muirkirk, went into the military, was a good hunter, and played sports; Malachi Hunter, was the best dancer among males in the class, was a "rascal" and altar boy. Teachers listed: Edgar A. Smith, Lakeland High School Principal "he wanted the best for you", taught algebra; Mrs. Myrtle M. Fentress "was a real leader who wanted the best for us," "if we ever needed anything, she was there", taught history and led the Glee Club, was found in her apartment after suffering blood pressure problems; Mrs. Vivian M. Ford, taught English to ninth graders only; Mrs. Marie Owens Halls was "mean" and soft-spoken, she wrote her day's objective on the board, "she was an excellent teacher" and a Prince Georgian. She went to Douglass and went to Howard, she was eventually afforded an opportunity to go to NYU for her Masters since Blacks weren't allowed to attend UMD.