Floyd & Azalian Ross Home
4808 Lakeland Rd Floyd & Azalian Ross Block 12 Lot 12. Project Parcel 24-7
4808 Lakeland Rd Floyd & Azalian Ross Block 12 Lot 12. Project Parcel 24-7
4702 Lakeland Rd Lot 10 Block 19, Urban Renewal Parcel 8 Block 23
Continuing with photos of the students as they were in 1985 with a short bio.
Haliburton and Essex family photos.
Left middle - Irene H. Smith born in Lakeland. This picture was taken in their Washington Home. On lowest left photo is donor's father, Robert Lee Smith. Middle right is donor's sister holding her dog. All pictures on this page taken in Washington home, around/during Christmas. Donor's parents eloped to DC, near U street in the 40s.
The bright orange front cover of the album - there is a black rectangle within which reads in gold script "Photo Album."
Funeral of Mr. Weems
Left to Right: (seated) Myron's aunt, Pauline Gray, and an unidentifiable couple. (Standing) Myron's mother, Emma Christine, Uncle Robert "Ridgley" (a long-time principal with school named after him in Capitol Heights), Robert's wife Mildred, Uncle Oscar, Uncle Oscar's wife Arleen, and Uncle Will. These aunts and uncles are siblings of Myron Gray's father, Clarence Gray Sr.
5001-5007 Lakeland Rd Parcel 15/8
Middle is Tommy Oldberg, Erlene's brother. Jerry McMillian and Jerry Mason. and Guy on the bottom. Taken when they were in their 20s. Played a lot of sports. Back of photo reads: "I'm[sic] vacation for 5 days. Why don't you get some sleep. Not feel sleep. Day LSD." On the sides are written "I'm sleep" and "Glen too.""
Continuing with photos of the students as they were in 1985 with a short bio.
5400 Cleveland Ave Block 45, Lot 6 Project Parcel 18-3
Photo of six graduates standing on steps outside. Also scanned: the back of the photo.
Members of College Park’s Public Works crew were honored during a city council meeting circa 1965. Mayor William Gullett (far right) is shown shaking hands with director of Engineering Services Caulder B. Morris. Lakelanders among the group include Chauncey Taylor Sr. (far left) and William Smith (next to him), as well as Paul Parker (third from the right).
Photo from Donor Paulette McNair was taken at the funeral of Aunt Rosie. Nick Cager, Carl's brother.
Haliburton and Essex family photos.
Photos of the faculty. "Deceased" is written over those who have passed away.