From Lakeland
Top image is James Adams Park below is the Randall Home on Navahoe Street
Top image is James Adams Park below is the Randall Home on Navahoe Street
After redevelopment as a public Natural Area
In Lakeland
On Navahoe Street
After redevelopment
Located at 5051 Pierce Avenue in Lakeland.
assorted images of Lake Artemisia Natural Area site of the eastern section of Lakeland
CP Dream Team basketball team pictured at Embry AME Church. The church sponsored this team made up of friends of the church and Lakeland community members. Coaches shown are Earl Hawkins far left, back far right Dwight Brooks and far right front Reginald Gaskins
In 1946 Maseo Campbell built this house on Navahoe Street, where he and his wife Elizabeth Hicks Campbell raised their six children. Campbell's first cousin Willie Campbell lived in the house to the left. Their other cousins Mary and Wilbur Brower lived to the right, just out of view. After the death of Mr. Campbell, Elizabeth married James Adams. The couple made their home at the Navahoe Street residence. James was also a cousin of Maseo.
James Adams Park is located on Navahoe Street and Rhode Island Avenue, in the heart of the Lakeland community. This tranquil spot was dedicated in 1995 in honor of one of Lakeland’s avid ecologists and landscapers. Adams was a past president of the Lakeland Civic Association and an active member of the city’s Committee for a Better Environment.
Lakeland Road
Folks Made the School
At College Park Community Center