Newsletter entitled "The Lakelander", Edition 1 (Winter), no year
Cover Page/ 1st page
Cover Page/ 1st page
Edgar A. Smith Scholarship Application used to vet applications. Individuals from the last class served on sub-committees for the creation of application and to reviewers of applications. "Jake" Sterling Queen was the individual driving force and organizer for the Edgar A. Smith Scholarship. He became Mrs. Bettye Queen's wife and had younger sisters who attended Fairmont Heights.
Edgar A. Smith Scholarship document; typed on a typewriter; scholarship established before invention of computers. The scholarship was organized by Lakeland High school last class, but they wanted to include other schools. They traveled to Upper Marlboro Legal Library to research and structure the scholarship, eventually getting it incorporated. Each year, the committee reviewed applications with the goal to distribute $2,000 to high school students for college costs; recipients were from the towns of Fairmont Heights, Bowie, Laurel, and Muirkirk. School desegregation impacted the group of recipients.
Lakeland High School Flyer Trip Announcement, October 12, 1990 held at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Scholarship offered by the last class to provide funds to Fairmont Heights students in honor of principal, Edgar A. Smith. Each season they hosted a fundraising event (Sparrows beach in summer, dance/festival in Glenarden in the fall, Atlantic City trips); James Chittmans designed the flyer; Vera Johnson and Bell Wright acted as organizers.
Left: The itinerary for the weekend, from Friday, June 22nd to Sunday, June 24th; Right: Description of the Edgar A. Smith Scholarship and some of the terms for it;