New York Beach Day
left right Viola Gross
left right Viola Gross
More postcards from various European countries.
Lakelander's visit beach near New York City Standing are Viola Gross, Margarete Gross Gray and Agnes Gross
More postcards, this time from Amsterdam.
Postcards from various European countries.
On the beach near New York City. Members of the Gross/ Hughes family
Jean Gray Smith is seen in the hat center during a visit to Sandy Point Beach on a Sunday School Picnic sponsored by Embry AME Church. Smith was a New Yorker. The daughter of Lakelander Margaret Gross Gray she frequently visited her mother's home community. This day she was visiting the family members along with her own sons, Charles and Kevin.
Agnes Gross
A handwritten list of the States and their respective flowers. Below this is a typewritten note from Billy Weems reading "I LOVE YOU for making it beautiful. Maybe URBAN RENEWAL [ILLEGIBLE]. Think about what you've read and talk to your neighbor today, because tomorrow ...?" On the opposite page, various photographs of cities an interior, and a horse-drawn buggy stopped by a train. a 'License to irritate, annoy, criticize, and otherwise disturb the operator of the car."
Continued pictures from the New York Trip, as well as photos from the Junior-Senior Prom.
Even more postcards from various European countries.
Agnes Gross during time off work during summer employment in upstate New York
A friend and Jean Gross Gray on the beach near New York City
The Baltimore Afro American August 4 1928 Page 19 Lakeland, Maryland At Embry AME Church Sunday School was held at 10 am followed by morning services by pastor, Rev J.W. Wing at 11 am. Rev, Jones from Brentwood AME Zion Church gave the sermon at 3 PM. Many members of that congregation were also present. At the evening service three children of Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks were christened. Rev. Mrs. J.A. Maxey, evangelist from Washington DC gave sermon at First Baptist. On Monday August 6th the Baptist ministers’ Conference of Washington DC will meet at Lakeland First Baptist Church from 12 to 5 PM. Lunch will be served. Rev. A.P. Abbott is pastor. There was a moving picture show at Embry AME Church on Friday evening. Mary Spriggs was chairman for the event. Maggie Mack sponsored a rally which raised $30 for a pulpit set. Rev. Wright preached a sermon. Washington Harpist Princess Richardson will perform a concert at First Baptist Church on Monday evening August 6. Mr. and Mrs. George Gross are hosting ing their daughter Margaret Gray and grandson Charles from New York. An entertainment for the orphan children of Washington DC was held at Mack’s Park. The event was sponsored by Morning Star Lodge No. 40 and Forest Temple, No. 9, I.B.P.O.E. of W of Washington DC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomas hosted his sister, Mary Boldin and her daughters Anna, Agnes, Mary and Alice for a week’s visit. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomas hosted Mr. and Mrs. Maron Mack, Louise Mack, Marion White, Miss Brown, Carrie Cole of New York and Eddie Smith. Maggie Mack hosted a number of people at her home. They were Rev. D.G. Mack, pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, The wife of Rev. Mack and his daughter from Baltimore, and an evangelist and friend, Rev Wright from Washington DC. Julia Briscoe hosted Clinton Collins a professor at the State Normal School in Bowie, Noah Taylor, Brent Thomas, Charles Cornish, Elsie Young from Tee Bee, Md. Hilda Kemp, Alice Douglass, and Dean Williams of Metropolitan Baptist Church in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson hosted Elizabeth Stubbs and her daughter May from Washington DC Julia Mack and Helen Briscoe visited Baltimore for two weeks
The Baltimore Afro American April 21 1928 p 14 Lakeland, Maryland On Sunday at 10 am Sunday School took place at Embry AME Church. Rev. Jasper of Brentwood preached at 3 pm. He was accompanied by some of the members of that church. Rev Wing, Embry’s pastor preached his farewell sermon at 8 pm. Friday night there was a contest sponsored by the Federation of Women of Brentwood, Bladensburg, Hyattsville and Lakeland. The event was a benefit for the new high school. First Baptist Church had communion service at 3 pm Mr. and Mrs. George Gross Sr are celebrating the birth of a new grandson in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dory, Harriet Hughes, Beatrice Thomas, Hattie Thomas, Ferdinand Hughes and young Josephine and James Waters visited Baltimore on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray ad Mrs. Irene Clark hosted Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sellman of Contee Maryland on Sunday. Mrs. Contee is the sister of Mrs. Gray. On Wednesday evening Mrs. Ralph Conway gave a birthday party for her husband. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Alex James, Mr. and Mrs, James A. Gray, Mrs. Millie Jones, Noamlitha Hodge, Mrs. Henry Conway, Eunice Johnson, Gertrude Waller, Sarah Rollins, Joseph Thomas, Eugene Brown, Arthur Brooks, Earl Johnson and Louis Gray. The monthly meeting of the Parent-Teachers Institute took place at Brentwood AME Zion Church. Attendees from Lakeland were the president George Randall, Mamie Weems, secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Mack with their daughters Bessie and Dorothy, Julia Briscoe, Ellen Briscoe, Mr. and Mrs. James Gray with their son Robert, Mary E. Johnson, Mary Brooks and Ambrose Green.
Evening Star May 29 1906 p 1 Will Depart Tomorrow- The Vising Indian Prince Much Pleased With His Visit. Tomorrow His highness the Maharaja Gaekwar of Baroda and his wife will leave Washington to go to Philadelphia. He described his time in Washington as “one of the most interesting visits in any city of any country”. After a two day stay in Philadelphia their highnesses will go to Boston then on to western states. During their visit in our region the maharaja gave a short address at National Park Seminary. The pair attended a dinner hosted by the French ambassador and Mme. Jusserand. He made a visit to the Smithsonian Museum and was given an automobile tour of various parks by Senator and Mrs. Elkins. They visited a reform school on Sunday morning accompanied by Shimont Sampatrao Gaekiyard. The group later visited the Maryland Agricultural College. President of the Aquarium Fisheries of Lakeland in Prince Georges county Maryland, Edward A. Newman took them to his facility for a visit. They seemed very interested in what they saw and had numerous questions. The maharajah said he had decided to establish a similar facility in India. The group next went to Luray caverns.
The Baltimore Afro American August 25, 1928 Lakeland, MD There were services at Embry AME Church where Rev. Wing is pastor. Sunday School superintendents for Embry AME and First Baptist Churches George Randall and Mamie Weems are making plans to take their students to Suburban Gardens for a picnic on Saturday August 25. Communion services were held at First Baptist. On Thursday evening Union prayer meeting was held at Embry. Few were present as the weather was bad. The monthly meeting of the six communities Parent-Teacher’s Association was held in Muirkirk on Tuesday evening. The meeting was well attended. Those present from Lakeland were: William Brown, George Brooks, J.W.C. Mack, Charles Johnson, George Randall, James Gray, James Falls, Ellen Briscoe, Ellen Johnson, Eliza Gray, Maggie Mack, Mamie Weems, Susie Brooks, Mary Falls and Nellie Brown. Ralph Conway, Nellie Stewart, Raymond Wilson traveled to Crownsville on Sunday to visit their father and husband, Samuel Stewart a patient at the institution there. Julia and Bessie Mack are hosting Hilda Kemp of Washington DC Mrs. John C. Johnson is hosting her nephew young William Steward of Washington DC Ellen Randall, her children are away for a two week visit in North Carolina. Traveling with them is Mrs. Randall’s sister Maggie McDonald and her son. On Sunday Henrietta Lomax had a visit from Mrs. Breewr and a friend from Philadelphia. Mrs. Arthur Brooks, Julia Brooks and Dora Robinson made a visit to Atlantic City on Sunday.
Collected by Pamela Boardley from Benay Gray Hawkins, Dennis Campbell, Alice Thomas Cooper, Barbara "Sally" Brown Seldon, Pamela Randall Boardley, Dwight Brooks, Patricia "Bunny" Middleton, Linda Gray Butler, Willamina Briscoe Johnson, Frank "Brookie" Marshall, Sherry Daley Jacobs.
Collected by Pamela Boardley. Comments by Melonie Sharps Garrett, Gloria Judy Thomas Meadows, and Pamela Sharps
By Jean Gray Matthews August 21, 2013