A Chance to Cooperate
Article from Greenbelt Cooperator
Article from Greenbelt Cooperator
The Baltimore Sun February 27, 1945 Page 15 Lakelanders represented by Washington Attorney, Charles Houston to oppose inclusion in incorporation as part of municipality. Said tax burden would be difficult for residents due to their low income.
Washington Evening Star March 21, 1945 At a meeting with the Prince George's delegation in Annapolis individuals from Lakeland and Berwyn expressed opposition to the incorporation plan. Those present said the benefits for the measure did not outweigh the costs and not enough time was allowed to give the issue sufficient study. The mayor of Riverdale suggested the Calvert Homes section be come part of his town. A representative of the University of Maryland spoke in support of incorporation and stated it would be difficult not to include Lakeland due to its location in the center of the proposed town.
History and Development of the City of College Park, The First Twenty-Five Years of the city of College Park 1945-1960