Margaret Gross Gray
During the 25th anniversary celebration of her brother George Henry and his wife Agnes at their home on Cloud Avenue
During the 25th anniversary celebration of her brother George Henry and his wife Agnes at their home on Cloud Avenue
Sunday dinner was the most special meal of the week and it was a true occasion to have the preacher as guest. Just such a meal is picture here when Rev. Robert H. Baddy was the guest of George Henry and Agnes Gross in their Cloud Avenue home. Rev. Baddy is seated center with Mr. Gross to on the right and the sister of Mrs. Gross Sarah is on the left.
At home of George Henry and Agnes Gross on Cloud Avenue. Guests shown are Dessie Randall Thomas, unknown and unknown
An oral history interview conducted with Elwood Gross by Eli Pousson as part of an IMPART funded oral history research project.
Wilmer Gross and daughters Delphine and Maxine at home of her husband's parents, George Henry and Agnes Gross. Located on Cloud Avenue
4 images of exterior of Gross home on Pierce Avenue. Center left image is interior of same location. Bottom left is at a different location.
Left home of Willie and Arlener Laney, Right Home of Elwood Harrison and Wilmer Sydnor Gross on Pierce Avenue. For many years the sign at one end of the street was marked Pierce Avenue and the other end of the street the sign read Pierce Street. An urban renewal listing of addresses shows a mixture of designations.