Relocation List
City of College Park - relocation list since 1973 dated 3/20/81
City of College Park - relocation list since 1973 dated 3/20/81
"Lakeland, an Urban Design Sturdy" Commissioned by the City of College Park
Urban Renewal Plan for the Lakeland Urban Renewal Area City of College Park, Maryland 1970
City of College Park - brewer rehab letter 811151st ave 8/12/76 Urban Renewal Authority letter to Ellen Webster re: Property Rehabilitation Standards
February 1969
On the left is the Urban Renewal office
section 7 of 8
Section 3 of 8
Section 4 of 8
Section 6 of 8
Section of Lakeland map with hand drawn makings and color coding with names - section 1 of Appears to show location and of ownership of lots within Lakeland
Section 5 of 8
Hand marked map showing location and ownership of subject lots within Lakeland
Navahoe Street and 48th Ave Block 17, Lots A7, F7,A8,F8, C6,F6 National Mobile Village Project Parcel 21-1
Cincinnati Avenue Block 44, E. 1/2 of lot 6, parcel 19-7 Joseph A. & Eleanor M. Galvagna
Appears to show location and ownership of subject lots within Lakeland
Appears to show location and ownership of subject lots within Lakeland 3 of 4
Section 1 of 8
From Urban Renewal Director to Project Area Committee advising council work session would take up an item about retaining appraisals for Weygandt properties
Section 2 of 8
section 8 of 8