Berkley Apartments and Townhomes
Berkley Apartments and Townhomes
City of College Park - relocation list since 1973 dated 3/20/81
request for authorization to procure appraisal services for Weygandt property Request to Implement Informal Procedures For Purchase of Appraisal Services
"Lakeland, an Urban Design Sturdy" Commissioned by the City of College Park
West Side of US 1 at 2:50
Urban Renewal Plan for the Lakeland Urban Renewal Area City of College Park, Maryland 1970
Mayor William Gullett and council. Dervey Lomax seated far left
Dervey Lomax Fountain on Pierce Avenue in the plaza between Paint Branch Elementary School and College Park Community Center
Gives City's review of urban renewal project history. This was the start of major urban renewal project redevelopment. April 7, 1981
Memorandum Subject Prince George's County Zoning Map Amendments- Applicant, City of College Park Urban Renewal Authority (16 pages)
February 1969
On dedication day of Lakeland Park
Presentations at City Hall in council chamber on the occasion of the retirement of James Claiborne. Images show presentation by mayor to Mr. Claiborne other image shows Claiborne's family member in attendance that evening
MD R-44 1961-March 1973
History and Development of the City of College Park, The First Twenty-Five Years of the city of College Park 1945-1960
Sending copies of correspondence about zoning application filed by Weygandts in 1968. Includes a copy of Zoning Map Amendment Petition A7417 Recommended Approval by Prince George's County Planning Board Page 1 of 2. Southeast corner of 54th Avenue and Osage Street in Berwyn Heights, and the Adopted Zoning Proposal 54th Avenue and Osage St property.
Duplicate of sections of (object) item-5v0wgV and item-qSyk3I
Mayor making presentation to James Claiborne in honor of his retirement.
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section, cont'd. Commercial Use Areas subsection
Housing Requests Former or Present Lakeland Residents (In order of Receipt) Priority III. Families who presently or formally lived in Lakeland and are interested in the assist housing being constructed by Leon N. Weiner Associates and are to be given third consideration for housing. The former Lakeland residents consist of families who either moved from Lakeland before the beginning of the Urban Renewal Project or are children of such families or families who were displaced and have married and started families of their own and want to return to Lakeland.
Mayor Dervey Lomax with members of College Park City Council
Response to proposal on use of Detroit Avenue property
From Lakeland Civic Association to Mayor Kushner
council portrait
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section, cont'd. Signs subsection.
Roads in Lakeland were quite different than those in the rest of the city
In a PG County basketball tournament, Parkdale is continuing to prevail within it. Parkdale v Whitman is supposed to take place. Mentioned are other details about Whitman and the tournament players.
At dedication of James Adams Park
Block 44 Lots 7,8,9,10,11 55th Ave
Costs from College Park vs. Weyhandt Engineering, INC from Miazga and Miazga related to 5416 Detroit Ave
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements, cont'd. Space Standards & Rooms Sizes.
Diamondback article
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Outlines specific uses permitted for land in the Urban Renewal Area, i.e. Multi-Family Residential/Medium Rise Apartment, etc.
The Diamondback September 15, 1976 Many pieces of Lakeland land were purchased by the Urban Renewal project. The University then discusses the use of Lakeland land for the expansion of their community housing through the Urban Renewal project. This idea is presented by the city community development director, Mr. Edwin Finder. In the meantime, some Lakelanders must rent homes from the city because of the Urban Renewal project’s purchase of their homes. Mr. Finder says that they are to be given first priority in the construction of new housing. At the same time, the Urban Renewal plan exceeded its budget of $5.2 million by another $5 million. The city requested $1.8 million in urgent need funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and was approved to receive it to complete the project. The request was sent to the HUD’s office earlier in the summer of 1976. Getting more federal money to complete the project was imperative and was a way to help fix the damage already afflicted on the neighborhood by natural incidents. Mrs. Hollomand part of the Lakeland resident's group stated opposition to the University's involvement in the project. She said the residents had need for new housing.
Citizen Service Award for James Weems - move to Publicity/Other folder
At College Park City Hall
Transmitting contract with Weygandt for approval
Mary Braxton’s hand written notes for statement to the College Park City Council.
Map 3: Land Acquisition Map - Lakeland Urban Renewal Area
Letter from City Attorney Morris Topf to Matilda Miazga sending copies of contract between the City and Weygandts relative to 5400 Detroit Avenue and Lot 100.
Memorandum from Morris Topf, City Attorney to Ed Finder, Director of Community Development, Subject Weygandt Property. Recommends treating the return of Weygandt property as settlement of condemnation action rather than a disposition. Process for Transfer Back
Citizen's Award Program Julia Pitts second from right
Status of real estate transactions in Lakeland 5002 Navahoe Sellers - Lot 9 Block 16 Williams, 8112 51st Ave, Lot 2 Block 13 First Baptist Church,
Expressing interest in discussing ideas about fill dirt, Response to request to discuss fill dirt asking that Councilmen Carroll and Leonard Smith be included in the meeting
Letter to Donald McLaughlin from Morris Topf, City reached an agreement to abandon/dismiss the pending condemnation suit and pay legal and other fees City Attorney, Subject College Park Versus Weygandt, 5415 Detroit Avenue
Duplicate of sections of (object) item-5v0wgV and item-qSyk3I
Existing Zoning - Lakeland Urban Renewal Area
Zoning Appeal #2887 W. Earl Weygandt, Comments by the Chief Zoning Inspector to the Board of Appeals Zoning Letter to Board of Appeals Prince George's County
Lisa Hollomand is interviewed about life before Disney on Ice, schooling, and more. She passed her auditions for Disney's Magic Kingdom on Ice and World on Ice and plans to join the crew for the summer.
Mayor Reading and Council Dervey Lomax is standing in the center
- Title page of the brochure for Lakeland Heritage, September 2018. The cover shows the Lakeland Majorettes marching in a parade. - First and second interior pages of the brochure, opening with a thank you to the attendees of the event and updating them on recent accomplishments and works done by and in partnership with the LCHP. The second page foes further into detail on two major events; "A Path Forward," a mural done by Lakeland teen artists and others on the trail underpass by Baltimore Avenue. The second major event is that of the LCHP establishing the archive project in partnership with MITH and other departments of UMD; - Third and fourth interior pages of the brochure. The left page details the College Park Dream Team Basketball event at the Community Center. Below, a description of the history of sports in Lakeland, and the introduction of Lakeland Hero Sports Cards. These cards each focus on one athletic Lakelander, with a portrait of them on the front and a history of their events and sports accomplishments on the back. The right page has a dedication to Leonard Smith, the Grand Marshal of the event, and the special guests of the Parade & Picnic - Fifth and sixth pages of the brochure. The fifth has the itinerary for Sunday's event, Music at the Washington Brazilian SDA Church. On the sixth page are brief biographies of the performers listed; - The final page of the booklet, with a last schedule of the events of the weekend. There is also a thank you to sponsors and partners of the event.
1991-1993 term Mayor Owens and Council
Dervey Lomax is 4th from left
Program interior from dedication of Lomax foundation Pierce Ave 11/9/2002
Leonard Smith is presented a plaque by Mayor William Gullett, ' There is another copy of this image in the archive from another collection
"Letter to Donald P. McLaughlin from Morris Topf, City Attorney Asking for request to continue case. Waiting for Weiner plan and will likely require change to urban renewal plan requiring additional action" Giving status of urban renewal project. "There would appear to be some likelihood that our entire urban renewal plan will have to be changed..."
City of College Park Public Works employees in City garage
Site of Spellman House
Contains history of community and zoning with conclusions about issues and causes Page 1 of 19 MNCPPC Technical Staff Report and Amended Technical Staff Report Application Nos A-8547, A-9308, A-9308, A-9309, A-9310 & A-9311 Planning Area 66
Agreement to abandon/dismiss pending condemnation suit and pay $7000 in legal and other fees. Duplicate of item 121
Map - Proposed Zoning - Lakeland Urban Renewal Area
Second Urban Renewal Purchase Shown are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blue. The property purchased was a vacant lot located on Albany Ave. Pictured with them is Dan Boone, Urban Renewal Assistant Director/ Real Estate Specialist the photographer noted was Jack Callahan, Urban Renewal Director
Document titled "Restriction On Use of Property (Our) Due to Announcement of Urban Renewal - Source appears to be Mr. Weygandt of someone on his behalf. The city was proposing rules for the use of property owned by Weygandt. Hand written note on page "F-Lakeland Weygandt
Land prepared for construction of townhomes
City of College Park and University of Maryland
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements, cont'd. Space for Laundry Facilities.
Baltimore Avenue
Article from Greenbelt Cooperator
The Baltimore Sun February 27, 1945 Page 15 Lakelanders represented by Washington Attorney, Charles Houston to oppose inclusion in incorporation as part of municipality. Said tax burden would be difficult for residents due to their low income.
Mayor and Council swearing in ceremony at College Park City Hall on Knox Road. Councilmember Leonard Smith is second from the left
Dated September 9, 1979 advising developer decision to change locations of apartment buildings
For Veterans' Memorial on Baltimore Avenue in College Park With shelves from left to right are James Adams, unknown, unknown and Mayor Joseph Page
4910 Navahoe Street Leonard Smith and Mamie McCorkle Parcel 20 Block 4 Block 16 lot 2
Washington Star
Groundbreaking for Spellman House
Urban Renewal Parcel 8 Block 15 5001-5007 Lakeland Rd. Notes include "Reports made good living from store. Apt living room, kitchen bath and 1 bedroom. (3) store + 5 apts rent was $68.50 landlord paid water."
Showing locations for change in building location
Mayor St. Clair Reeves with Dervey Lomax seated second from left
Description of Project (cont'd Development Objectives, Procedures for Accomplishments and Design Review Panel)
new barricade instillation with attachment of letter from Morris Topf to owner and tenants of Weygandt property on Detroit Avenue
Dignitaries assembled for groundbreaking of Spellman House Apartments
Expanse of Western Lakeland cleared for redevelopment
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Outlines specific uses permitted for land in the Urban Renewal Area, i.e. Commercial, Light Industrial, etc.
College Park Citizen Volunteer recognition program
Letter from City Attorney Morris Topf to Edwin Finder transmitting proposed contract between Mr. and Mrs. Weygandt and the City.
City of College Park
Open letter to College Park City Council stating community’s requirements for redevelopment
Campaign leaflet
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements, cont'd. Exterior and Interior Finishes.
Urban Renewal document signing at College Park City Hall Council Chamber. Mayor Dervey Lomax signs as Congresswoman Gladys Noon Spellman and others look on. The date is believed to be May 27 There is another copy of this image in the collection donated by Thelma Lomax
Letter with proposals about the use of 5400 Detroit Avenue
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section, cont'd. General Provisions subsection.
Members of College Park's Public Works Department were honored at a c.1965 city council meeting. William Gullett (far right) was the Mayor; he is shown shaking hands with the Director of Engineering Services Caulder B. Morris. The three Lakelanders in the group are Chauncey Taylor Sr. (far left), William Smith (next to him), and Paul Parker (third from right).
48th Avenue Part of urban renewal redevelopment
At city hall. Mayor Dervey Lomax signing a document. Present is Delegate Gladys Noon Spellman There is another copy of this image in the archive from another collection.
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Outlines specific uses permitted for land in the Urban Renewal Area, i.e. Public-Residential Related, Single-Family Residential, etc.
Solid Waste Removal worker with Trash bag stand, At that time staff members collecting garbage would enter each property and remove trash bags from the stand. Each home was supplied with the stand and paper trash bags to use with that stand. The city seal was on the front of each bag.
Mayor Kushner and Mr. John Sellers with Leon Shore
With City Animal Control Van
Check 870 from City of College Park to Earl Weygandt and Matilda Miazga for $7000
Complaint about dirt stockpiled on 54th Avenue at end of public right of way and Weygandt closing his connecting private road.
From City of College Park collection
Dancers from St. Andrew Kim Catholic Mission Dedication Lakeland Park
All mayors of City of College Park, MD at the time of this image. Dervey Lomax far left next to him is Alvin Kushner
Block 44 Lot 4 owned by Walter and Mildred Lasick 8117 54th Ave Urban Renewal Block19 Parcel 4
CP urban renewal to be reviewed Planning underway for nine years. At least 8 different HUD field representatives. Current delay due to a change in law. First plan was submitted to HUD in 1966. Fill permits are opposed by the State Department of Natural Resources. College Park Ecological Association pledges to oppose channeling the creeks. City officials favor the urban renewal project.
Description of Project (cont'd Development Objectives)
Assorted images
Images from swearing in of Mayor Owens and Council December 8, 1987 and from presentation honoring Jack Callahan in January 1980
From a series taken during an urban renewal public meeting at Paint Branch Elementary School in Lakeland
Image taken from contact sheet in collection
Swearing in of Mayor William Gullett and council. Dervey Lomax is 4th from the left
Three images of urban renewal redevelopment projects top in foreground are two of the 5 single family homes built during the urban renewal project. These are on Rhode Island Avenue. On the foreground is Alden/Berkley Townhomes. Image below is a closeup view of one of the 5 single family homes. Final image shows a new apartment building
Mayor and council members. Dervey Lomax is far left.
Section D: Project Proposals. Statement of Special Conditions. Property Rehabilitation and Conservation Standards.
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section, cont'd. Multi-Family Residential/Medium Density subsection.
Notice of city council meeting on urban renewal
Map 1: Project Boundary Map Lakeland Urban Renewal Area.
College Park City Council with Councilmember Leonard Smith and Mayor Gullett
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section, cont'd.
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section, cont'd.
Dignitaries at groundbreaking for Spellman House Apartments, first redevelopment project of urban renewal
Section D: Project Proposals. Statement of Special Conditions.
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements, cont'd. Landscape - Surface Parking Issues - Outdoor Lighting.
Dervey Lomax is standing at center
Dignitaries at groundbreaking for Spellman House
Block 44 Lot 2 color image 8121 54th Ave Gilbert Thomas
At College Park City Council chamber. Among those present is Gregory Lomax, standing second from the left.
City of College Park 25th anniversary celebration at City Hall
Letter from Theodore Miazga attorney to Ed Finder, Director of Community Development, City of College Park, Requesting agreement with a continuance for trial as "consultant's recommendation to the City does not include the building of residences on the east side where... property is located."
College Park City Council and Mayor William Gullett in Knox Road Council Chamber
Removing dirt and road barriers and reinstalling barrier at Detroit Avenue 54th Avenue
J. Chesley Mack is seated second from the left in this 1957 photograph of the College Park Town Council. He served as a member of that legislative body from 1945 until 1957. Mack was one of the first in Lakeland to complete a course of higher education. He was an influential local leader, a successful businessman, and a chef employed by the University of Maryland.
Assorted images
Dervey Lomax far left
City of College Park 25th Anniversary celebration
Description of Project (Objective, Preamble, Development Objectives)
City of College Park, MD
College Park City Council with Mayor Gullett. Dervey Lomax is far left There is another copy of this image in the archive from another collection
Mayor Anna Owens makes presentation to Dervey Lomax at College Park City Hall
Refreshment table staffed by Elizabeth Hicks Campbell Edwards At Lakeland Park
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Duration of Provisions and Date of Effectuation section, cont'd. Start of Section D: Project Proposals.
This map shows notations on owners of properties
Map 2: Land Use Plan - Lakeland Urban Renewal Area.
Contains: - The cover page contains various icons representative of Lakeland, such as the streetcar trolley sign and the railroad crossing; - The schedule for the weekend, detailing the events for the community party on Saturday and the religious service on Sunday; - An introductory piece, explaining the mission of the weekend and the Lakeland Community Heritage Project; - An overview of Lakeland history. Noted image of a house is the "Hicks house;" - Brief descriptions of Lakeland's churches and Lakeland's clubs.; - A description of the families of Lakeland and how they were forced out of their homes by Urban Renewal. Contains a description of the history and impact of Lake Artemesia; - More descripition of the erasure of a large part of the community, then recognition of how it's come back stronger than before; - A family tree template; - The order of service for the religious service on the Sunday., Empty space for notes and resources with which one could find their family history. On the right side, a map of eastern Lakeland; - The final page of the pamphlet, with thank-yous and acknowledgements.
Event at College Park Municipal Center. James Claiborne is pictured
Lots 1,12,13,14 and 15 Block 44 Lakeland Subdivision In full and final satisfaction of any and all claims arising from condemnation suit on 5415 Detroit Avenue
by Mark Hass
Section D: Project Proposals. Statement of Special Conditions. Statement of Proposals and Redevelopers' Obligations.
Section D: Project Proposals. Statement of Special Conditions. Procedure for changes in approved proposals.
Stage with dignitaries
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section.
Incoming and Outgoing College Park City Council members
City of College Park awards James Weems 2nd from left. Mayor William Gullett 3rd from left Hattie Sandidge 4th from left There is another copy of this image in the archive from another collection
Urban Renewal Document Signing by Mayor Dervey Lomax another copy of this image can be found in this collection donated by the City of College Park
Ground ready for new development
Ground Breaking for Spellman House
Left to right Maxine Gross, Joseph Page and Anna Owens
With Mayor Gullett
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements, cont'd. Painting and Decoration - Mechanical Equipment.
Mayor Anna Owens with City Council Maxine Gross is in the first row second from left
Washington Evening Star March 21, 1945 At a meeting with the Prince George's delegation in Annapolis individuals from Lakeland and Berwyn expressed opposition to the incorporation plan. Those present said the benefits for the measure did not outweigh the costs and not enough time was allowed to give the issue sufficient study. The mayor of Riverdale suggested the Calvert Homes section be come part of his town. A representative of the University of Maryland spoke in support of incorporation and stated it would be difficult not to include Lakeland due to its location in the center of the proposed town.
8011 Winnipeg Avenue
Collection of images from the opening event for Lakeland Park
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section, cont'd. Light Industrial Use Areas subsection.
Seen doing solid waste removal
Rhode Island Avenue at Lakeland Road
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section, cont'd. General Provisions subsection.
Exhibit "B" Property Rehabilitation Requirements, cont'd. Capacities.
Lakeland flood photos
Going, Gone The first demolition in Lakeland located at 4800 Navahoe St. The first of 65 structures to be cleared
Description of Project (cont'd Design Review Panel; Types of Proposed Renewal Action; Clearance and Redevelopment; Rehabilitation and Conservation)
Vendor Mr & Mrs. Earl Weyhandt and Matilda Miazga - Description of items- Acquisition costs associated with condemnation of 5400 Detroit Ave - amount $7000
Weygandt property in Lakeland 11 June 86
During city 25th anniversary celebration Mayor with former council members
City employee adjusting stop sign. Shown with College Park Public Works truck.
At College Park boundary sign
Table of Contents (cont'd), with a list of Exhibits.
Section C: Land Use Plan (Land Use Map; Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements)
Cover. Stamped "Approved by Mayor & Council October 10, 1978." There is a handwritten name and two numbers at the top for Toni Curtis.
Members of the volunteer fire department auxiliary gathered to watch the burning of a Lakeland home. Several homes were burned as training events for local fire fighters before being razed.
Harold Sampson became the College Park Animal Control Officer in 1971. That year's October Municipal Scene newsletter reported, "His reputation is spreading fast. One dog from College Park Woods traveled through the rain and turned himself in at the Municipal Building this morning." That humorous report set the tone for Sampson's relationship with city residents. He was the most popular city staff member.
Maxine Gross replaced Dervey Lomax as district representative on College Park City Council during this ceremony in 1989
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Duration of Provisions and Date of Effectuation section.
Map of the Lakeland community just prior to implementation of the urban renewal program. The map also shows plots to be re-developed.
Members of the Lakeland community have always been active in civic affairs. For many years, the City of College Park has held annual events honoring those who serve on its various citizen committees and boards. The City of College Park honored Lakelanders in 1969 at a dinner event, where certificates were presented by Mayor William Gullett (far right) to (from left to right) Hattie Lewis, Mary Weems Braxton, and George Brooks, Jr.
Council Portrait There is another copy of this image in the archive from a different collection
City Council
Dignitaries at groundbreaking event for Spellman House Apartments the first redevelopment project for urban renewal in Lakeland
City of College Park public works crew with City boundary sign