Memorandum from Jack Callahan to Leon Shore, enclosing a letter from Mr. Morris Topf giving the status of the Weygandt suit
Re: W. Earl Weygandt, et al vs City of College Park, Law No. 79629. Filings attached
Re: W. Earl Weygandt, et al vs City of College Park, Law No. 79629. Filings attached
1930 Enumeration District 14-56 Sheet 11 B Berwyn Election District 21
Subject Weygandt Property Appraisals
sending copy of Weygandt contract and requesting appraisal report
Groundbreaking for Spellman House apartments part of urban renewal redevelopment
with amendments to minutes for February 6, 13 and 20.
duplicate scan of (object) item-5v0wgV
"College Park Mayor and Council Work Session Briefing Paper on Lakeland Urban Renewal Project, Weygandt Property - giving history of project, action and rationale #114 page 2 of 1"
Concerns the representation of Weygandts and review of facts
"Mayor and Council will hear you on Tuesday, February 6, 1978..."
Work Session Paper 114 - Duplicate of 1065
City of College Park - relocation list since 1973 dated 3/20/81
In honor of 50th Wedding Anniversary of James and Mary Walls Day Weems
8011 Winnepeg
Subject Weygandt Property Approach
Duplicate of sections of (object) item-5v0wgV and item-qSyk3I
Demolition Contract 4 Photos 4906 Navahoe & 8200 Rhode Island (4)
Hand written untitled notes with headings "Peters and Shark"
Duplicate document as 2482, but this is the better image
comparison of appraisals with signature of Jack Callahan
Duplicate of sections of (object) item-5v0wgV and item-qSyk3I
City of College Park - Demolition photos 8005 48th Ave & 4802 Lakeland Rd.
Housing Requests Former or Present Lakeland Residents (In order of Receipt) Priority III. Families who presently or formally lived in Lakeland and are interested in the assist housing being constructed by Leon N. Weiner Associates and are to be given third consideration for housing. The former Lakeland residents consist of families who either moved from Lakeland before the beginning of the Urban Renewal Project or are children of such families or families who were displaced and have married and started families of their own and want to return to Lakeland.
Urban Renewal Plan for the Lakeland Urban Renewal Area City of College Park, Maryland 1970
Showing locations for change in building location