Subject: Sportspage 2

Team Photo
Basketball team photo with James Gray kneeling on the left.

Baseball Players
James Adams and Maseo Campbell, like many young family men of Lakeland, were members of the community’s baseball team. These two gentlemen, shown in the late 1950s, were both teammates and cousins. The popularity of the games diminished in the 1970s, and Lakeland stopped fielding a team late in that decade. (Courtesy of Elizabeth Hicks Campbell Adams.)

James Gray
On the basketball court during the 1970-71 season at Parkdale High School. James Gray is seen center front with Douglas Few just behind him.

Exhibit on Sandlot Baseball
Presented by Lakeland Community Heritage Project at University of Maryland baseball field

Parkdale Player Leagues
Four of the five news clippings are names of team members (from Parkdale and other schools) in different basketball leagues. These leagues include AA, All Metropolitian, All-County, and AA finalists. The final clipping is a Parkdale win against Mackin on Parkdale's floor 83-56.

Baseball Field
Lakeland's primary ballfield Pierce Avenue

10 All-Metropolitian Players
These are 10 of the best all-met players that played in the all-met and all-star teams from the area leagues.

Players and Coaches
CP Dream Team basketball team pictured at Embry AME Church. The church sponsored this team made up of friends of the church and Lakeland community members. Coaches shown are Earl Hawkins far left, back far right Dwight Brooks and far right front Reginald Gaskins

Track and Field Medal
Woodbury NJ

(Duplicate: 00843) University at Buffalo Game Opener
The University at Buffalo expected and received a massive crowd for its debut game for Coach Turner Gill. Past games set the standard for this game's crowd. Though very pleased with the crowd turn-out, concerns didn't disappear from their minds about the defensive line. But in a show of unity, the team wears the same attire to the game. They come out hand-in-hand from the tunnel with uniforms in a show of strength.

Wendell Hackley
Parkdale High School Basketball

Track and Field Medal
Eastern A.A.U. 1954
Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Souvenir Journal, a yearbook from the 35th Class Reunion (June 14-15, 1985) at First Baptist Church in College Park, Md and the Ramada Inn in Lanham, Md. See Description for any details on this particular page. Note from donor Arthur Dock: "Edgar Smith put this together for us. It has a few letters and a set of senior superlatives and the yearbook photos of each student. The next item is the program for the 35th Class Reunion. Then there are a series of photographs of one particular party--the reunion. 14 photos. Also an inventory list for the 3 items.
On the left page, the basketball team. On the right, a collage of various sports and athletes.

Basketball Game
Officer Powers in photo collected for production of one in a series of sports cards to honor Lakelanders and participants in the Lakeland Stars basketball events. these games were held during heritage weekend for several years. They featured play by local youth and members of local police agencies

Track and Field Metal
Woodbury, NJ 7-4-56 220 YD Relay

Track and Field Medal
Awarded to Carl Cager

Track and Field Medal
Awarded to Carl Cager AAU Olympic Development Program, Gold

Boys Basketball
Lakelander yearbook

Norwood Walls
Baseball player standing with glove .In cropped image

Soccer Players
In Lakeland in the area of Paint Branch Elementary School and College Park Community Center

Track and Field Medal
Washington Evening Star Games Exchange Club 100 yard dash Silver

Honor Award
From Prince Georges County Teacher's Association to Mary Day of Lakeland Senior High School for third place performance in the Hop, Skip and Jump

Track and Field Metal
Awarded to Carl Cager Figure with laurel wreath Amateur Athletic Union of the United States MDCCCLXXXVII Mile Relay 54 silver award included a pin

Hurdle High Jump Scorings (Extended)
George Randall is mentioned under the triple jump category. His scoring and schooling (Parkdale) are mentioned as well.

White Sox Lining Up
Maryland White Sox of Lakeland

Parkdale Cheerleader

Basketball Free Throw
George Randall playing in a basketball game against St. Anthony's. He was a junior at Parkdale HS

Youth Team
Youth basketball team from College Park Boy's Club

Jump Shot
George Randall was on his college basketball team at St. Mary's Maryland. Picture was taken 1971

News Clipping of Randall
George Randall blocking a shot at his college game.

College Park Boy's Club
The College Park boy's club baseball team in 1967.

Panthers Humble Crossland
Panthers win a track meet. George Randall wins the high jump and 2 other portions of the meet.

Award Letter
George Randall received an award letter from the College Park Boy's Club for winning the PGC boys club championship. The letter also mentions the first, second, third, and fourth place winners will receive awarded medals, the trophy, and a banquet.

Hurdle High Jump Scorings
George Randall is mentioned under the triple jump category. His scoring and schooling (Parkdale) are mentioned as well.

Parkdale HS Basketball Game
A jump shot from George Randall collection but no visible sight of him

Darkened Photo Parkdale Game
Darkened photo of Parkdale game. Randall playing in-game with other Parkdale teammates.

PGCBC Track Champions (Duplicate)
Duplicate of: 04876 (colorless). A picture of the Prince George's County Boys Club track team champions in 1965. George Randall is a part of that team

PGCBC Track Champions (Back)
The back of the photo of the PGCBC Track team champions.