John Spriggs

Quarterly Conference Report
By Trustees of Embry AME Church
Lakeland, Maryland News
The Baltimore Afro American January 7 1928 p 19 Lakeland, Maryland Pastor Rev. J.W. Wing held New Year’s Eve services On Friday at 8:00 PM the Embry AME Church Sunday School held Christmas exercises. Effie Stewart from Baltimore is visiting her parents and other family members during the holidays. Mary Walls held a parlor social on Monday to benefit the Odd Fellow’s Club. Julia Mack is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W.C. Mack for the holidays. She is a student at State Normal School. Bessie Mack has been at home sick for a few months she is getting ready to return to school at the State Normal School. The Sunshine Girls’ Club of DC had an event at Groce’s (Gross’) Hall on December 26th. It was well attended. During the holidays Mary Tinsley and Marie Walls from Chester, Pa visited parents and other relatives in Lakeland. Last Monday Verna Waters from Elkridge. Md visited Georgiana Hughes. Several have new Arcola heating plants in their homes. They include J.W. Mack, James Stevenson, John Spriggs and Harriet Wright.